Clarence Miles '65
Lucky Bag
From the 1965 Lucky Bag:
San Francisco, California
Coming from a Navy family, Clarence has always been motivated toward a career of Naval service. It was this that directed him to Annapolis and has inspired him to excel during his four years as a Midshipman. Clarence, commonly called Bear by his classmates (no one knows why), has always been a rugged athletic competitor, dividing his time among company soccer, cross country, football, and battalion rugby. His strong determination helped his soccer and rugby teams to win the Brigade Championships. Some of Clare's many accomplishments have been: getting a 4.0 on his agility test, completing Army Airborne training, obtaining expert in both rifle and pistol, and losing both his slide rule and raingear in the same week. After graduation Clare plans to end his four year apprenticeship as a "Brown Bagger" and marry his high school sweetheart. Clare's competitive spirit and his strong desire to stay on top will gain for him respect from a41 with whom he works and will enable him to have a most successful career in the fleet.

San Francisco, California
Coming from a Navy family, Clarence has always been motivated toward a career of Naval service. It was this that directed him to Annapolis and has inspired him to excel during his four years as a Midshipman. Clarence, commonly called Bear by his classmates (no one knows why), has always been a rugged athletic competitor, dividing his time among company soccer, cross country, football, and battalion rugby. His strong determination helped his soccer and rugby teams to win the Brigade Championships. Some of Clare's many accomplishments have been: getting a 4.0 on his agility test, completing Army Airborne training, obtaining expert in both rifle and pistol, and losing both his slide rule and raingear in the same week. After graduation Clare plans to end his four year apprenticeship as a "Brown Bagger" and marry his high school sweetheart. Clare's competitive spirit and his strong desire to stay on top will gain for him respect from a41 with whom he works and will enable him to have a most successful career in the fleet.
Clarence died on September 18, 1968 when his aircraft crashed near Dinuba, California.
Other Information
From the December 1968 issue of Shipmate:
Lt. Miles was born in San Francisco, Calif., and graduated from the Naval Academy in 1965. Following flight training he was designated a naval aviator 13 Feb. 1967, and was assigned to Naval Air Station Lemoore where he was with VA-125, then with A-4 Skyhawk jet. In September of that year he joined VA-195 and completed a tour of duty in Southeast Asia. He flew over 100 combat missions and was awarded 11 Air Medals, one for extraordinary heroism; three Navy Commendation Medals, two with combat "V's," and a Navy Achievement Medal. He had returned from Asia in August of this year.
Surviving are his widow, Renee, of 18 Randolph Road, Woodbury, N. J. 08096, and a son. Curtis; his parents, Cdr. and Mrs. Warren Harding Miles, 1927 E. Sparrow Drive, Naval Air Station, Pt. Mugu, Ca. 93041; a brother Warren, Jr., and two sisters, Suzanne and Linda.
His wife later remarried.
He is buried in Arlington National Cemetery.
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