David Daniels '75
David Daniels was admitted to the Naval Academy from Salem, Massachusetts on June 5, 1871 at age 15 years 4 months.
Prior to the publication of the Lucky Bag in 1894, most portraits of officers and midshipmen of the Naval Academy were captured in yearly photo albums. The album for 1875 is available in the collections of the [{{{link}}} Naval Academy's Digital Collections].
Special thank you to historian Kathy Franz for identifying this resource and then extracting several dozen photographs for this site.

Prior to the publication of the Lucky Bag in 1894, most portraits of officers and midshipmen of the Naval Academy were captured in yearly photo albums. The album for 1875 is available in the collections of the [{{{link}}} Naval Academy's Digital Collections].
Special thank you to historian Kathy Franz for identifying this resource and then extracting several dozen photographs for this site.
David died of illness on April 7, 1898 at League Island Navy Yard, Philadelphia. He was "an efficient officer with a large circle of friends."
From Boston Daily Globe on April 8, 1898 (via US Naval Academy Alumni Association):
Obituary: Lieut. David Daniels, Late Navigating Officer of the Katahdin, Well Known in Essex County.
SALEM, April 8—Lieut David Daniels, navigating officer of the coast defense ram Katahdin, whose death occurred on board of that vessel yesterday, was born in this city, Feb 20, 1857.
He had been sick with diabetes for several days.
He was the son of Mrs. Maria L. Daniels, formerly of this city, but now of North Adams. His father, George P. Daniels, a well-known insurance underwriter, died in Salem, Dec 19, 1895.
Lieut Daniels was pupil in the Salem high school, when in 1871 an opportunity to enter the U.S. naval academy, by competitive examination, was presented to the boys of the congressional district. Several made applications, the examination taking place in the high school building. Young Daniels was the most successful scholar, and he was appointed to the academy at Annapolis, Md.
He was made a cadet midshipman, June 12, 1871; midshipman June 21, 1875, ensign Aug 22, 1876, master Nov 17, 1882, lieutenant (junior grade) March 3, 1883, and lieutenant (full grade), March 31, 1889.
He made three voyages round the world, twice visited Corea, and was also on coast survey service. He was attached to the hydrographic office, and on Sept 3, 1894, was assigned to the U S naval academy, which position he held until March 10 of the present year, when he was made navigating officer of the Katahdin.
Lieut Daniels was a most exemplary young man, and was very highly esteemed. On his graduating from the academy, he immediately went on a long cruse, not taking, as he had a right to do, any vacation. He graduated high in his class. His wife, formerly Miss Clara Holmes of New York, and a 10-year-old daughter reside in Annapolis, Md. His mother and two sisters—Misses Lillian S. and Maria L. Daniels—now reside in North Adams, and a half brother, G. Augustus Daniels, in Beverly. David was named for his grandfather, David Daniels of Peabody.
He was a nephew of the late Rev Dr Robert C. Mills, who died in Newton Jan 26, 1896.
From the Boston Post on April 8, 1898 (via US Naval Academy Alumni Association):
Navigating Officer of the Ram Katahdin Dies Aboard Ship.
PHILADELPHIA, Penn., April 7.-Lieutenant David Daniels, navigating officer of the coast defense ram Katahdin, died today on board the ram at the League Island Navy Yard. He had been suffering from diabetes for several days. His body will be sent to Annapolis, Md., where his widow lives. Lieutenant Daniels was 42 years of age and had been navigating officer of the Katahdin since the ram was placed in commission on March 10 last. Notwithstanding his death the Katahdin sailed tonight under sealed orders.
He is buried at the Naval Academy Cemetery.
From the Naval History and Heritage Command:
Midshipman, 5 June, 1871. Graduated 21 June, 1875. Ensign, 22 August, 1876. Master, 17 November, 1882. Lieutenant, Junior Grade, 3 March, 1883. Lieutenant, 31 March 1889. Died 7 April, 1898.
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