David Kanning '64
Lucky Bag
From the 1964 Lucky Bag:
Fairmont, Minnesota
4th Company
The farm country of Minnesota contributed one of its biggest and most friendly specimens to the Navy. "Big Dave," better known to us as "Rene, The Sly Fox," came to the Academy from NAPS, where he was the Athlete of the Year. At the Academy, Rene took much time from studies to be the biggest man on the basketball team for 3 years. Now he is worried about getting his 6'5" frame into a cockpit after graduation. He needn't worry about anything though, for any man with the ability and human warmth that he possesses, will certainly be a credit to the Navy, his parents and to himself.

Fairmont, Minnesota
4th Company
The farm country of Minnesota contributed one of its biggest and most friendly specimens to the Navy. "Big Dave," better known to us as "Rene, The Sly Fox," came to the Academy from NAPS, where he was the Athlete of the Year. At the Academy, Rene took much time from studies to be the biggest man on the basketball team for 3 years. Now he is worried about getting his 6'5" frame into a cockpit after graduation. He needn't worry about anything though, for any man with the ability and human warmth that he possesses, will certainly be a credit to the Navy, his parents and to himself.
From the October 1980 issue of Shipmate:
LCdr. David Warren Kanning USN was killed in an aircraft accident near Fairhope, Alabama, on 2 June 1980. Memorial services were held at the Immanuel Lutheran Church in Fairmont, Minnesota, with interment in Fairview Memorial Park.
Appointed to the Naval Academy from the State of Minnesota, he was graduated with the Class of 1964 and began flight training almost immediately, receiving his designation of naval aviator in 1966. Advanced training continued at VT-29, Corpus Christi, after which he was assigned to VP-31, Moffett Field. Between October 1966 and November 1969 he served with VP-19 at Moffett, deploying to Japan and Adak as anti-submarine warfare officer, nuclear safety officer, and ground training officer. From December 1969 until October 1972 he was assigned to VP-31 at Moffett as aircrew training officer, from December 1972 until January 1975 he had duty with the PEP Program with the Royal Air Force in Australia as squadron executive officer and flight instructor pilot, then in March 1975 joined the Naval Recruiting Command, Columbus, Ohio, as officer programs recruiting officer and aviation safety officer. In May 1977 he returned to VP-19 as operations officer and aviation safety officer, then was assigned to NAVCRUITCOM AVQA TEAM, Pensacola, as officer-in-charge. He was awarded the COMNAVAIRPAC Aviation Safety Awards for FY77 and FY78, the Meritorious Unit Citation with one Gold Star, and the Naval Unit Commendation. He was a member of the Naval Academy Alumni Association.
He is survived by his widow Diane, 1012 Coronado Dr., Gulf Breeze FL 32561; a son and a daughter; and his mother, Mrs. Esther Malinda Kiester Kanning, Fairmont MN 56031.
David was instructor pilot aboard a T-34B; his student was also lost.
He is buried in Minnesota.

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