Edward Kennedy '46
Lucky Bag
From the 1946 Lucky Bag:
Edward Louis Kennedy
Kankakee, Illinois
Well, if it isn't ole Ed Kennedy himself; lantern jaw, Irish grin, and above all, those great big beautiful ears! This stalwart son of a shamrock was transplanted to the banks of the Severn from the little Irish settlement of Kankakee, Illinois. At the Academy he took an active part in everything, spent a lot of time with a pretty little brown-eyed belle, and still managed plenty of sack drills. The Naval Academy avalanche of academics and other forms of torture showed us that "Edgar" is a guy who can cope with the "system" and anything else the Navy can hand him.
The Class of 1946 was graduated in June 1945 due to World War II. The entirety of 2nd class (junior) year was removed from the curriculum.

Edward Louis Kennedy
Kankakee, Illinois
Well, if it isn't ole Ed Kennedy himself; lantern jaw, Irish grin, and above all, those great big beautiful ears! This stalwart son of a shamrock was transplanted to the banks of the Severn from the little Irish settlement of Kankakee, Illinois. At the Academy he took an active part in everything, spent a lot of time with a pretty little brown-eyed belle, and still managed plenty of sack drills. The Naval Academy avalanche of academics and other forms of torture showed us that "Edgar" is a guy who can cope with the "system" and anything else the Navy can hand him.
The Class of 1946 was graduated in June 1945 due to World War II. The entirety of 2nd class (junior) year was removed from the curriculum.
Edward was lost on May 19, 1955 when the jet he was piloting crashed near Jacksonville, Florida. Also killed was the other officer aboard, Captain Albert Major, Jr. '32.
Other Information
From researcher Kathy Franz:
Born in Iowa, Edward graduated from St. Mildred’s Academy in 1941 in Laurel, Maryland. Edward played 2nd base on the baseball team. Class Prophecy: Gracious, a handsome chap in naval uniform I see now! Could it be Edward Kennedy? Why, it is he; I see him clearly now. Lt. Kennedy is ready to board one of Uncle Sam’s finest battleships. Class Will: He bequeaths his exceeding love for the Navy.
He entered St. Mildred’s Academy as a junior. The 1940 yearbook wrote: The “Kid from Illinois,” who portrayed Dudley Russell in “The Red-Headed Stepdaughter,” is none other than Edward Kennedy. Eddie is well liked because of his genial personality and keen sense of humor. Although comparatively a stranger, he won the heart of everyone soon after he enrolled. Just another Beau Brummell!
After graduating from the Naval Academy, he entered the naval air arm in 1947. He won his wings in 1949 at Corpus Christi.
In 1930, his father Edward was secretary-treasurer of the State Farm Union in Kankakee, Illinois. His mother was Edna, sisters Regene and Mary, and brother Paul. In 1940, they lived in Laurel, Maryland.
From the Pensacola News Journal, Florida, May 19, 1955:
Lieutenant Kennedy, son of Mr. Edward E. Kennedy, Rt. 1, Laurel, Md., had been stationed at Saufley 23 months. In addition to his duties as assistant training officer, [Unit 2] he also instructed naval aviation cadets in basic tactical flying and was one of the field’s top jet training instructors for naval aviators.
He graduated from the Naval Academy in 1946 and reported aboard the USS Lake Champlain (CV-39) for his first fleet duty. After three months’ aboard the carrier he was transferred to LST 846 where he served as executive officer until December, 1947.
From January, 1948, through October, 1949, he went through the Navy’s flight training program at Pensacola and Corpus Christi, Tex. After earning his wings, he reported for duty with Attack Squadron 15, serving aboard the USS Philippine Sea (CV-47) until 1950.
In 1950 and 1951 Lieutenant Kennedy served with Composite Squadron 4 as assistant operations officer aboard the carrier, USS Oriskany. He was chosen as an exchange officer with the U. S. Air Force and reported to the 436th Fighter-Bomber Squadron at George Air Force Base, Victorville, Calif., where he served for one and a half years, 1952-1953.
Lieutenant Kennedy reported to the Naval Basic Air Training Command in April, 1953, and after two months of refresher training reported to Saufley Field.
During his tour of duty in China waters, he was awarded the China Service and China Occupation medals. He also holds the European-Middle Eastern Victory, American Theatre, and National Defense awards.
In addition to his father, Lieutenant Kennedy’s close relatives include his stepmother, Mrs. Marie Kennedy and his sister, Mrs. Regine LePore, both of Laurel, Md.
He is buried in Maryland.
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Jack Loper '46 was also a member of 4th Company.
Albert Major, Jr. '32 was also lost in this crash.

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