Frederick McElroy '22
Lucky Bag
From the 1922 Lucky Bag:
Central Falls, Rhode Island
"Ken," "Alice," "Mac."
THANKS to the left hind foot of a rabbit and a certain vulnerable part of Tecumseh's anatomy, little "Alice," the ladies' delight, is still with us; for the Ogres of the Academics have tried in vain to land him. Perhaps it was his mania for colors which saved him— Sh—perhaps you didn't know he's a monochromatic maniac—Yes sir! and the hue of which he is so passionately fond is—Naw, not red,—Let me have the drill it's none other than the verdant green. Even his choice of the gentler companionship is ruled by this basic principle of his makeup. And the kid's sure non-reg. He stays up late at night so that he can sleep in at reveille and he wears non-reg clothes just because "Jake's" atrocities aren't form fitting, that is, fitting to his peculiar form.
Aside from the fact that "Mac" is an ardent supporter of Webster, and in spite of his faults, he's a good kid and he means well.
Log Staff (3, 2); Log Board (1).

Central Falls, Rhode Island
"Ken," "Alice," "Mac."
THANKS to the left hind foot of a rabbit and a certain vulnerable part of Tecumseh's anatomy, little "Alice," the ladies' delight, is still with us; for the Ogres of the Academics have tried in vain to land him. Perhaps it was his mania for colors which saved him— Sh—perhaps you didn't know he's a monochromatic maniac—Yes sir! and the hue of which he is so passionately fond is—Naw, not red,—Let me have the drill it's none other than the verdant green. Even his choice of the gentler companionship is ruled by this basic principle of his makeup. And the kid's sure non-reg. He stays up late at night so that he can sleep in at reveille and he wears non-reg clothes just because "Jake's" atrocities aren't form fitting, that is, fitting to his peculiar form.
Aside from the fact that "Mac" is an ardent supporter of Webster, and in spite of his faults, he's a good kid and he means well.
Log Staff (3, 2); Log Board (1).
Frederick died at the Pacific Area Mobile Hospital No. 5 (Noumea, New Caledonia) shortly after midnight on August 26, 1943 of "stab wounds received on the night of 25 August 1943."
The December 1943 issue of Shipmate has the same date and hospital information but "not enemy action" as the cause.
Other Information
From researcher Kathy Franz:
Frederick sailed from Shanghai to Seattle in May, 1934.
He married actress (Anna) Ruth Marion on January 13, 1936, in Los Angeles. Ruth played the heroine in “The Drunkard” ever since it opened in early 1933. Their twins were Mary and George. She died on January 20, 1984, in Monterey, California. Her ashes were dropped into the sea at Point Lobos. Her father was George Marion, actor, producer and director. Her mother was Agnes, and brother George, Jr. was a screenwriter.
Frederick's father was a letter carrier. His mother Annie was born in Nova Scotia, and his brothers were J. Lawrence and Robert W.
His interment at Noumea was recorded the day after his death in the same war diary (that of the United States Pacific Fleet South Pacific Force Service Squadron).
His wife was listed as next of kin. He is buried in Arlington National Cemetery.
Frederick was commanding officer of USS Bittern (AM 36) from December 28, 1929 to April 15, 1932.
He was in charge of the communications office of the 15th Naval District (Panama Canal) in 1939 (per now-broken link at
The Register of Commissioned and Warrant Officers of the United States Navy and Marine Corps of 1943 lists him with the following explanatory notes: "17. Completed Naval War College junior course; 18-a. Completed Naval War College correspondence course in international law; 31. "Completed course in torpedo instruction."
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