George Slone '43
Lucky Bag
From the 1943 Lucky Bag:
Marion, Indiana
A Hoosier from Old Purdue, "Archie" brought with him a love for the great outdoors and an excellence in archery and small arms. His energy and thoroughness knew no limits in his complete mastery of his subjects of interest. His tenacity of purpose and perseverance won both our admiration and respect. Often seen with the fairer sex, among whom he was a favorite, George coupled a love of dancing with an irresistible charm to make him a favorite dragging companion. A sympathetic roommate, a considerate upperclassman, and a keen discerner of the truth, he will be an officer desired as a shipmate and sought as a leader.
The Class of 1943 was graduated in June 1942 due to World War II. The entirety of 2nd class (junior) year was removed from the curriculum.

Marion, Indiana
A Hoosier from Old Purdue, "Archie" brought with him a love for the great outdoors and an excellence in archery and small arms. His energy and thoroughness knew no limits in his complete mastery of his subjects of interest. His tenacity of purpose and perseverance won both our admiration and respect. Often seen with the fairer sex, among whom he was a favorite, George coupled a love of dancing with an irresistible charm to make him a favorite dragging companion. A sympathetic roommate, a considerate upperclassman, and a keen discerner of the truth, he will be an officer desired as a shipmate and sought as a leader.
The Class of 1943 was graduated in June 1942 due to World War II. The entirety of 2nd class (junior) year was removed from the curriculum.
George was lost on February 11, 1946 when his airplane crashed "18 miles south of Waco, Texas." (Information from September 1946 issue of Shipmate.) He was piloting a "training plane;" the crewman aboard was injured but survived.
Other Information
From researcher Kathy Franz:
His father George was a plumber who became secretary of the Board of Education in 1931.
From the Class of 1943 anniversary book "25 years later…":
George was born on 26 April, 1919 in Alexandria, Indiana, He was appointed from Indiana and entered the Academy on 14 June, 1939. Upon graduation he report. ed to the destroyer USS MC CORMICK in the Atlantic. In January 1944 he commenced flight training at Dallas, Texas but then shifted to Ordnance and Gunnery School in Washington, D. C. in April. In October 1944 George reported aboard the destroyer USS GILLESPIE until he was again detached for duty in connection with flight instruction in August 1945. George participated in operations in the Aleutians during his tour on the GILLESPIE.
On 11 February 1946, while engaged in flight instruction from NAS Dallas, Texas, he was killed in a plane crash eighteen miles South of Waco, Texas. He was entitled to wear the American Defense Medal with Fleet Clasp, the American Area Campaign Medal, the Asiatic Pacific Area Campaign Medal with three bronze stars and the WW II Victory Medal. He was survived by his wife, Mary Childers, who at George’s death resided at 703 Southeast 8th Street, Avon Village, Grand Prairie, Texas.
He is buried in Indiana.

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