George Gardner, Jr. '46
Lucky Bag
From the 1946 Lucky Bag:
George Henry Gardner, Jr.
New Bedford, Massachusetts
Having a trace of stubborn Puritan blood, "Monk" took control of things from the very beginning. With his New Englander's love of the water, the swimming team and the yawls came to know him well. His membership in the Chapel Choir and the Musical Clubs evidenced his fondness for music. As for crossing rivers, "Monk" found it hardly necessary to bone, and consequently kept up a large correspondence. A smooth dancer, with brown eyes and brown hair, George had no trouble keeping his dragging week-ends filled. Ever active, he will be as busy in the Fleet as he was at the Academy.
The Class of 1946 was graduated in June 1945 due to World War II. The entirety of 2nd class (junior) year was removed from the curriculum.

George Henry Gardner, Jr.
New Bedford, Massachusetts
Having a trace of stubborn Puritan blood, "Monk" took control of things from the very beginning. With his New Englander's love of the water, the swimming team and the yawls came to know him well. His membership in the Chapel Choir and the Musical Clubs evidenced his fondness for music. As for crossing rivers, "Monk" found it hardly necessary to bone, and consequently kept up a large correspondence. A smooth dancer, with brown eyes and brown hair, George had no trouble keeping his dragging week-ends filled. Ever active, he will be as busy in the Fleet as he was at the Academy.
The Class of 1946 was graduated in June 1945 due to World War II. The entirety of 2nd class (junior) year was removed from the curriculum.
George was lost when his A-4B Skyhawk crashed while operating from USS Randolph (CV 14) on November 15, 1958 in the Mediterranean Sea.
Other Information
From researcher Kathy Franz:
George graduated from New Bedford High School in 1941. He attended the University of Michigan for one year and was a member of Sigma Chi.
His father George was a public school teacher, and both his mother and sister were named Rebecca.
He married his wife, Margaret, in 1945; they had four sons together. (She later remarried.)
George is buried in Arlington National Cemetery.
Related Articles
Thomas Banta ’54 was also a member of Attack Squadron (VA) 72 and also lost during USS Randolph's 1959 Mediterranean Sea deployment.
Edgar Clayton '46 was also a member of 3rd Company.

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