George Lineburg, Jr. '66
Lucky Bag
From the 1966 Lucky Bag:
Hoopeston, Illinois
A product of the Midwest, Skip came to the Academy just after graduation from high school. Company soccer and lightweight football kept Skip busy during the fall and winter, while the Public Relations committee and the Spanish Club were other important interests. A conscientious worker, Skip devoted himself to his studies where he pursued a major in Naval Management. He will always be remembered by the class of '68 for his active part in their plebe summer. Always a competitor, Skip is sure to do well in the Supply Corps where he hopes to obtain further graduate study.

Hoopeston, Illinois
A product of the Midwest, Skip came to the Academy just after graduation from high school. Company soccer and lightweight football kept Skip busy during the fall and winter, while the Public Relations committee and the Spanish Club were other important interests. A conscientious worker, Skip devoted himself to his studies where he pursued a major in Naval Management. He will always be remembered by the class of '68 for his active part in their plebe summer. Always a competitor, Skip is sure to do well in the Supply Corps where he hopes to obtain further graduate study.
From the November 1969 issue of Shipmate:
Lt. George W. Lineburg Jr., USN, died 21 June in an aircraft crash near the Naval Air Station, Atsugi, Japan. Services were held at The Leonard Memorial Home of Glen Ellyn, Ill., with interment in Forest Hill Cemetery, Glen Ellyn.
Lt. Lineburg, born in Oak Park, Ill., attended Scottsburg High School in Indiana where he was voted into the National Honor Society and also received the Hi-Y boy of the year award. A member of the Nineteenth Company at the Naval Academy, he was graduated in June 1966 and then had flight training at Pensacola and at Corpus Christi. Lt. Lineburg joined Patrol Squadron 40, based at Moffett Field, Calif., in Dec. 1967 and had recently completed a tour in Vietnam.
His survivors include his parents Mr. and Mrs. George W. Lineburg of 147 Hillcrest Dr., Madison, Ind. 47250; twin brother and sister Jeffrey and Janet; paternal grandparents Mr. and Mrs. George A. Lineburg of Glen Ellyn, Ill., and maternal grandparents Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Ritzier of Pompano Beach, Fla.
He is buried in Illinois.

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