Gerald Hausmann '64
Lucky Bag
From the 1964 Lucky Bag:
San Antonio, Texas
4th Company
Jerry came to USNA via the Naval Prep School after a two year hitch in the Navy. Constantly kidded about being the shortest man in the class, "Hose" always seemed to retaliate with a witty remark. Because of his stature, his excellent athletic ability was limited to Brigade boxing and intramurals. Next to boxing, his favorite past times were the rack, TV, model building and an occasional weekend drag. Never in any serious academic difficulties, he found his only enemy to be the Executive Department. His fondest memories will always be the summer cruise. Jerry's over-all ability and desire to get ahead, will definitely enable him to come out on top.

San Antonio, Texas
4th Company
Jerry came to USNA via the Naval Prep School after a two year hitch in the Navy. Constantly kidded about being the shortest man in the class, "Hose" always seemed to retaliate with a witty remark. Because of his stature, his excellent athletic ability was limited to Brigade boxing and intramurals. Next to boxing, his favorite past times were the rack, TV, model building and an occasional weekend drag. Never in any serious academic difficulties, he found his only enemy to be the Executive Department. His fondest memories will always be the summer cruise. Jerry's over-all ability and desire to get ahead, will definitely enable him to come out on top.
Jerry was lost when his A-7 crashed off Okinawa from USS Coal Sea (CV 43) on July 17, 1977 during bombing practice.
Other Information
From researcher Kathy Franz:
Gerald and Patricia Ann King were married on June 19, 1965, in the Chapel at the Naval Academy.
From Austin American-Statesman on April 22, 1968: "In April 1968, Gerald was with the USS Enterprise pilots who jumped a large enemy convoy 37 miles south of Vinh in North Vietnam. At least eight of the trucks were destroyed in bombing and rocket attacks. An A4 Skyhawk pilot, he hit one truck with his bombs. “The whole truck was engulfed in flames. It looked like a pep rally bonfire,” he said."
Gerald’s brother Gregory, USN, died in an automobile accident on July 21, 1970, in Fairfield, California. Their other brother was George, USN.
He was survived by his wife, two sons, and a brother. His wife passed away in 2011.
George's body was not recovered, though his helmet was found among the wreckage (per Phil Ferro, of HC-3, via email on December 31, 2020). George has a memorial marker in Texas.
1967: LTJG Gerald Hausmann inspects the damage to the wing of his Champions Skyhawk after he took a 37mm round in the starboard wing panel which left the pilot sized hole and knocked out the starboard aileron and flap. Naval Aviation News Photo. "I was there when this happened. This incident is what led to the air-frame change that allowed the transfer of fuel from the drop tanks without going into the wing. The A-3 brought him by the ship and he didn't unplug till more than half through the 180 turn. They told him he needed to catch the wire on the first pass or else. This picture was in my cruise book. I got out of the Navy in July 68 and went to work at the Naval Air rework Facility NAS Alameda. This plane was still in Emergency Repair when I went to work there in Sept 68." Randy Wilson VA-56 65-68

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