Harry Barnes, Jr. '53
Lucky Bag
From the 1953 Lucky Bag:
Grinnell, Iowa
Varsity track man and a star of the company cross-country and steeple chase teams, Harry was determined to win the prize, whatever the contest. Every year the dark ages took over the winter months, but each of those dark ages was light compared with Harry's Plebe year. The little privations and hardships (willfully inflicted by those wily sharpers of our future) Harry never forgot. So determined to pass that he often rose before reveille to cram more Russian into his mind; Harry won out over obstacles placed before him by the academic departments; he emerged smiling, triumphant and ready for whatever Life offered.

Grinnell, Iowa
Varsity track man and a star of the company cross-country and steeple chase teams, Harry was determined to win the prize, whatever the contest. Every year the dark ages took over the winter months, but each of those dark ages was light compared with Harry's Plebe year. The little privations and hardships (willfully inflicted by those wily sharpers of our future) Harry never forgot. So determined to pass that he often rose before reveille to cram more Russian into his mind; Harry won out over obstacles placed before him by the academic departments; he emerged smiling, triumphant and ready for whatever Life offered.
From the June 1969 issue of Shipmate:
Cdr. Harry G. Barnes Jr., USN, died 28 March at sea off the coast of Oceana, Va., as a result of injuries sustained in an aircraft accident while on a routine training flight. He was interred in Arlington National Cemetery.
Born in Iowa City, Iowa, Cdr. Barnes attended Grinnell College and the University of Iowa before he was graduated from the Naval Academy and assigned to USS Mathews. Designated a naval aviator in 1955, he had duty with VF-174 at the Naval Station Cecil Field and with VT-23 at NAAS Kingsville, Texas.
In 1961 Cdr. Barnes reported to Perrin Air Force Base, Tex., as exchange officer with the USAF Air Defense Command. Following duty with Commander Cruiser Destroyer Flotilla Ten, and with Headquarters Fifth Tactical Air Force, he earned a Master's degree in computer management from the Naval Postgraduate School at Monterey, Calif. On 21 March 1969 Cdr. Barnes reported to Fleet Composite Squadron 4 as executive officer.
He is survived by his widow Genevieve of 805 St. George Ct., Virginia Beach, Va., 23452; two sons Robert and Joseph; his daughter Elaine; his mother Mrs. Lillian G. Barnes of Sterling, Va., a sister Mrs. Sally Cobb, and his twin sister Mrs. Harriet Richards.
He is buried in Arlington National Cemetery. His wife passed away in 2014.

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