Hugh Sams '56
Lucky Bag
From the 1956 Lucky Bag:
Ft. Sam Houston, Texas
Hugh was horn at Fort Benning, Georgia, so it can he easily surmised that he is an "Army Brat." He broke the family tradition, however, by deciding to pursue a career in the Navy. During the fall months of his years at the Academy, he could he found running on his company's cross country team, and in the spring he competed as a half miler on the Varsity Track Team. In the field of academics, math was Hugh's strong point and great love. Quite often one could find him wrestling with a difficult differential equation, "for sheer enjoyment" he used to say.

Ft. Sam Houston, Texas
Hugh was horn at Fort Benning, Georgia, so it can he easily surmised that he is an "Army Brat." He broke the family tradition, however, by deciding to pursue a career in the Navy. During the fall months of his years at the Academy, he could he found running on his company's cross country team, and in the spring he competed as a half miler on the Varsity Track Team. In the field of academics, math was Hugh's strong point and great love. Quite often one could find him wrestling with a difficult differential equation, "for sheer enjoyment" he used to say.
From USNA '56:
Hugh was born on base at Fort Benning, Georgia, and lived on several Army bases while growing up. Although his father was a retired Army Colonel, Hugh broke family tradition by choosing a career in the Navy as a naval aviator, thinking it would suit him better. After graduating from Gonzaga High School in Washington, DC, he entered the Academy with our class. While at the Academy, Hugh could be found running cross-country on his company team during the fall and in the spring competing as a half-miler on the Varsity Track Team. Hugh's academic interest was mathematics and he often spent time wrestling with difficult differential equations. "For sheer enjoyment" he used to say.
Upon graduation Hugh married his sweetheart Mary and then earned his Navy Wings through flight training at Pensacola and NAS Hutchinson, Kansas. His subsequent assignment was to VQ-1 where he flew A3D Skywarriors. Hugh was killed on 13 January 1961 when his aircraft crashed while landing at NAS Atsugi, Japan. He was given a funeral with military honors and is buried at Arlington National Cemetery.
Hugh was survived by his wife Mary, three daughters and one son. His son, Hugh Porter Sams, Jr. was born in July 1961, after his father's death.
He is buried in Arlington National Cemetery.

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