John Lyons, Jr. '47
Lucky Bag
From the 1947 Lucky Bag:
John Thomas Lyons, Jr.
McComb, Mississippi
With his Southern drawl and easy ways, you might easily picture Dad resting beneath a Mississippi magnolia tree in the afternoon sun, and although taps and reveille have yet to catch him on his feet this does not give the whole story. John's plans for the future point skyward, toward speed and an expanse unrestricted by walls. Although not always a member of the renowned flying squadron, his dislike of Saturday's meat loaf encouraged him to seek the false freedom of Annapolis regularly. His Irish folk songs, coupled with an occasional Georgia Tech cheer, made him an always welcome hand on frequent week-end sailing trips.
The Class of 1947 was graduated in June 1946 due to World War II. The entirety of 2nd class (junior) year was removed from the curriculum.

John Thomas Lyons, Jr.
McComb, Mississippi
With his Southern drawl and easy ways, you might easily picture Dad resting beneath a Mississippi magnolia tree in the afternoon sun, and although taps and reveille have yet to catch him on his feet this does not give the whole story. John's plans for the future point skyward, toward speed and an expanse unrestricted by walls. Although not always a member of the renowned flying squadron, his dislike of Saturday's meat loaf encouraged him to seek the false freedom of Annapolis regularly. His Irish folk songs, coupled with an occasional Georgia Tech cheer, made him an always welcome hand on frequent week-end sailing trips.
The Class of 1947 was graduated in June 1946 due to World War II. The entirety of 2nd class (junior) year was removed from the curriculum.
John was a pilot of an F9F Panther that crashed aboard USS Tarawa (CVA 40) while operating in the Mediterranean.
Other Information
From researcher Kathy Franz:
John graduated from McComb High School in 1942. After a year at Georgia Institute of Technology, he was appointed to the Naval Academy. He served two years in the Pacific aboard the carrier USS Princeton, then took flight training.
In Montreal, Canada, the summer of 1952, he met Miss Patricia Stancliff of Hartford, Connecticut. They became engaged and were to be married as soon as his tour of duty was over.
Survivors included his father John, mother Jimmie, brothers Louis and William, sister Louise, grandparents Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Turner, and other relatives. His father was a machinist on the steam railroad and was also re-elected as a Selectman-at-Large in McComb, Mississippi, in November 1952.
With John’s death, the city issued this resolution:
“On motion duly made and seconded, the following resolution was unanimously adopted:
That the members of this board are deeply shocked over the loss of the son of our member, John T. Lyons, and deep regret and sympathy are hereby extended to our brother member and to his wife and family.
That as a measure of comfort it should be remembered that John Thomas Lyons, Jr., was generally regarded as one of the finest young men ever reared in this City, he was a gentleman of the highest type, and his loss will be felt by the people of this City as well as by his family.
That it is the wish and prayer of this Board that God will comfort the hearts of his parents and relatives.
It is further ordered that this resolution be spread upon the minutes of this Board as a perpetual memorial to John Thomas Lyons, Jr.
Unanimously adopted, May 12, 1953.
(SEAL) Approved: J. W. Alford, Mayor. ATTEST: E. J. Triche, City Clerk.
It appears that he had a son, John T. Lyons III '68, who retired as an admiral.
He has a memory marker in Mississippi.
Memorial Hall Error
John was a Lieutenant with date of rank April 10, 1950. His memory marker and the July 1953 issue of Shipmate both have his rank as Lieutenant; Memorial Hall has LTJG.
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