Matthew Mason, III '72
Lucky Bag
From the 1972 Lucky Bag:
Washington, D.C.
Matt marched to the Severn from Washington, D. C. where he was a "striper" before entering USNA. As a future Major Matt Mason (by Mattel), he has been looking for his door to the Corps. Matt's moves have kept him out of trouble on and off the grounds and got him into the Jay Gees. When the Ac Board cut the group up his 2/c year Matt found himself free on weekends. Having the first 2/c "vette," in the company gave him the wings necessary to beat the clock many a night. After walking in the clouds 2/c year, Matt came back to earth to take over as he got his pin back and started settling down again by 1/c year academics, all to the joy of his 37 female followers and took over as head manager of the 150 lb. football team. He has no intentions of settling down at the present which should bring joy to the hearts of his female followers. 8th and I better be ready when Matt joins and shows them some marching secrets.

Washington, D.C.
Matt marched to the Severn from Washington, D. C. where he was a "striper" before entering USNA. As a future Major Matt Mason (by Mattel), he has been looking for his door to the Corps. Matt's moves have kept him out of trouble on and off the grounds and got him into the Jay Gees. When the Ac Board cut the group up his 2/c year Matt found himself free on weekends. Having the first 2/c "vette," in the company gave him the wings necessary to beat the clock many a night. After walking in the clouds 2/c year, Matt came back to earth to take over as he got his pin back and started settling down again by 1/c year academics, all to the joy of his 37 female followers and took over as head manager of the 150 lb. football team. He has no intentions of settling down at the present which should bring joy to the hearts of his female followers. 8th and I better be ready when Matt joins and shows them some marching secrets.
Matt was lost on February 7, 1975 when the T-2C trainer he was piloting crashed near Kingsville, TX. He was a member of Training Squadron (VT) 23 and on a solo flight in the landing pattern at the time. His body was escorted to Arlington National Cemetery by a classmate, where he is buried.
He was survived by his wife.
(All information thanks to the Class of 1972 Facebook group in June 2019.)
From Greg Lamberth '72 on June 11, 2019:
I do have a good story to share about Matt from our TBS Mess Night. All during Basic School, Matt wore a regulation mustache… a little pencil line thing. Much to the dismay of our Company Commander Major Riley. As he used to say, mustaches are permitted; but, they "weren't Riley's way." There were a lot of things that "weren't Riley's way." Anyway, at our Mess Night it had come to that part of the evening when Marines were "shooting Carrier Quals." Matt is standing next to Major Riley and Matt says, "Major, if you'll do a Carrier Qual, I'll shave my mustache." Major Riley, Mess Dress and all, didn't miss a beat. He said, "Hold my jacket Lieutenant," and down the tomato juice soaked Carrier Deck he went. We had a 4 mile "shake out the cobwebs" run about 3 hours later that morning and Matt showed up clean shaven. Don't know if he grew the mustache back after TBS.

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