Phillip Harward '45
Lucky Bag
From the 1945 Lucky Bag:
Phillip Sinclair Harward
Blackfoot, Idaho
The bane of Phil's existence for three years was the "system." Bucking the system cost him his weekends; losing those brought in a few more letters; and three letters in one mail landed him in the shower, at the hands of his three wives. A "football knee" that kept him in the hospital for six weeks Youngster year, combined with some exciting talks by naval flyers and "tin can" skippers from the Pacific theater, nearly turned Phil away to fulfill his desire of flying a "Hellcat." Riding the tail of the Flying Squadron and just beating the late bells were poor substitutes for his experiences on motorcycles and his dreams of flying, but that big ring cast the balance.
Battalion Football 4, 3; Battalion Basketball 4; Battalion Crew, Captain 1; Reception Committee 3; Lucky Bag, Company Representative 1
The Class of 1945 was graduated in June 1944 due to World War II. The entirety of 2nd class (junior) year was removed from the curriculum.

Phillip Sinclair Harward
Blackfoot, Idaho
The bane of Phil's existence for three years was the "system." Bucking the system cost him his weekends; losing those brought in a few more letters; and three letters in one mail landed him in the shower, at the hands of his three wives. A "football knee" that kept him in the hospital for six weeks Youngster year, combined with some exciting talks by naval flyers and "tin can" skippers from the Pacific theater, nearly turned Phil away to fulfill his desire of flying a "Hellcat." Riding the tail of the Flying Squadron and just beating the late bells were poor substitutes for his experiences on motorcycles and his dreams of flying, but that big ring cast the balance.
Battalion Football 4, 3; Battalion Basketball 4; Battalion Crew, Captain 1; Reception Committee 3; Lucky Bag, Company Representative 1
The Class of 1945 was graduated in June 1944 due to World War II. The entirety of 2nd class (junior) year was removed from the curriculum.
Phillip was lost when his A3D Skywarrior crashed near NAS Sanford, Florida on January 27, 1961; three others were also lost.
Other Information
From researcher Kathy Franz:
In May 1935, Phillip was on the basketball squad in junior high and received a shield representing an athletic award. He graduated from Blackfoot High School in 1940. Student Council 1-2-3-4; Class Pres. 3; Class Rep. 1-2-4; Band 3; Orchestra 4; Class Play 4; “B’ Club 3-4; Basketball 1-2-3; Hi-Y 3-4; Pres. 4; Rifle Club 3; Latin Club 1-2; Bronco 3.
From the March 1961 issue of Shipmate:
PHIL's many friends and classmates were deeply saddened to learn of his death in the crash of his A3D at Sanford, Fla., in Jan. Phil was a veteran A3D pilot, having flown the aircraft in atomic bomb tests in the Pacific in 1956. Upon completion of the tests he set a speed record with his non-stop flight from Honolulu to Albuquerque, N. M. He then went to the Heavy Attack program and had been stationed in Sanford, Fla., for the past 4 years. He had just received orders to the Naval Air Test Facility at NAS Lakehurst shortly before his fatal crash. Bernie and the 4 children will remain at their home at 108 Westwood Ct., Sanford, for the time being. Bernie plans to return to Idaho after the school year is ended.
He was survived by his wife, and is buried in Idaho.
Related Articles
Robert Thomsen '45 and Robert Murphy '45 were also in 7th Company.
Memorial Hall Error
Phillip's name is in Memorial Hall with only one L; his headstone, the Lucky Bag, and Shipmate have it spelled with two Ls.

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