Robert Huie, Jr. '66
Lucky Bag
From the 1966 Lucky Bag:
Little Rock, Arkansas
The red-headed wonder came to the "ensign factory" after spending time at two colleges in his home state, Arkansas. With his strong sentiment toward the military, "Tiger Bob" embarked on a five year career at the boat school. An avid sportsman, Bob spent many hours on the athletic fields with the Company sports teams in crosscountry, lightweight football, volleyball, and knockabout sailing. An easy going fellow, the redhead seldom let academics interfere with his pad time and he was always ready to entertain with stories of his weekend stands with members of the fairer sex. Bobby was very active in the Public Relations Committee and the Portuguese Club. At times, he was even known to lapse completely into Portuguese at Company parties. Bob will always love a good argument and he should be a welcome and valuable addition to the career of his choice.

Little Rock, Arkansas
The red-headed wonder came to the "ensign factory" after spending time at two colleges in his home state, Arkansas. With his strong sentiment toward the military, "Tiger Bob" embarked on a five year career at the boat school. An avid sportsman, Bob spent many hours on the athletic fields with the Company sports teams in crosscountry, lightweight football, volleyball, and knockabout sailing. An easy going fellow, the redhead seldom let academics interfere with his pad time and he was always ready to entertain with stories of his weekend stands with members of the fairer sex. Bobby was very active in the Public Relations Committee and the Portuguese Club. At times, he was even known to lapse completely into Portuguese at Company parties. Bob will always love a good argument and he should be a welcome and valuable addition to the career of his choice.
Robert was killed in action on April 19, 1969 when his helicopter was shot down near Thuong Due in Quang Nam Province, Vietnam. He was co-pilot on a medical evacuation mission.
Other Information
From the July-August 1969 issue of Shipmate:
Born in Little Rock, Ark., Capt Huie entered the Naval Academy in June 1961 and was graduated from the Academy with the class of 1966. Commissioned in the Marine Corps, he attended Marine Corps Basic School at Quantico, Va., then had flight training at the Naval Air Station, Pensacola, Fla., where he earned his wings. In Jan. 1969 Capt. Huie reported for duty in Vietnam with HMM-263, MAG-16, First Marine Air Wing, Fleet Marine Force, Pacific. H e was posthumously promoted to the rank of captain.
Survivors include his widow Paulette and two sons Robert III and Charles of 127 Smith Ave., Annapolis, Md. 21401; his parents Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Huie Sr. of 4417 Romlon, Beltsville, Md. 20705, and his grandmother Mrs. Charles Rutherford, also of Beltsville.
From Pop A Smoke:
CH-46 was on Medevac on Charley Ridge W of Da Nang. A/C was hit multiple times in broom closet area. Both hydraulic systems shot away. One lost immediately, second gradually lost pressure. A/C remained airborne for some time (15-20 minutes?) while crew tried to get to suitable runway. A/C became more and more uncontrollable as #2 hydraulics bled away. Bernie was going to try to roll it on at Thuong Duc SF camp dirt runway above 40 knots. (The NATOPS recommended procedure in event of no hydraulics landing). An ARMY Caribou was sitting in the middle of the runway there and nobody could raise them on any freq including guard to get him off the runway. They ran out of hydraulics, luck, and time soon after that, rolled inverted, and went in. Submitted by John Van Nortwick, HMM-263 Squadron S-3
On 690419, I was flying gunner in the lead bird of a flight of 2 CH-46s flying medevacs (out of An Hoa, I think). The missions prior to the incident had been quiet ones, so much so that the chase plane's crew was getting bored. They asked to switch to lead on the next mission and did. The next mission was to be a cable extraction through the trees because there was no clearing large enough in which to land. The grunts on the ground said they hadn't received any enemy fire in several hours so no one expected what happened.
MAJ Terhorst maneuvered into a hover over a hole in the jungle canopy. The crewchief lowered the cable and the Marines on the ground hooked up the wounded man. As the wounded man was being hoisted up, the entire perimeter erupted with muzzle flashes. To make a long story short, they took numerous hits and the pilot tried to fly back to the lowlands and attempt a landing. However, the hydraulics systems had been shot out and it was impossible to control the plane. They suddenly did about 359 degrees of a 360 degree loop and crashed in a giant fireball. All six aboard died instantly. Submitted by Joe Goins, Gunner on lead ship in formation (HMM-263)
I was the crew chief of the lead chopper the day this crash occurred. My pilot tried to get the pilots to land several times but they were determined to get to a safer area before landing the wounded bird. The chopper was all over the sky and they saved it from inverting several times . After the crash I tried to talk my pilots into landing but the 50cal rounds were cooking off in every direction as well as other small arms rounds. The fireball was tremendous and very intense. We circled for some time calling for ground support in the area. Being a witness to this tragedy that was suppose to be our medivac has always been haunting and hard. I knew all these marines and the corpsman very well...I will never forget my friends. Submitted by Terry Haney, Crew chief in lead bird EG-3
He is buried in Arlington National Cemetery.
On this day 47 years ago during Operation Oklahoma Hills we lost Robert Dotson Huie Jr. and Crew. While trying to medivac and save an other brother life. I held you fateful night my brother until you took that last breath. You will never be forgotten.
My prays have always been with you my brother. I hope to see you on the other side
Semper fi
RVN 1968/69 SEYBJM1@YAHOO.COM, 4/19/15
My red headed son of my brother
I'll always remember how much fun it was to know you. You were always building interesting things in your workshop. We had a great childhood together. I'm looking forward to meeting you again some day Anita Huie, 5/25/14
I remember the flaming red hair, his generous smile, and his unlimited enthusiasm for life. We were classmates for four years at USNA. We golfed, toasted life, and enjoyed great friendship, which grew stronger in the Marine Corps. I was Best Man at his wedding, classmate at TBS, and Casualty Assistance Officer at his funeral. I sit beside his grave every five years and leave a half can of Colt 45 for him. Today he is still missed. KENNY MOORE, 5/9/02
Robert Huie was one of my father's best friends, and the best man at his wedding. Although I never got the chance to meet him, I heard my father speak very highly of him on many occasions.
After my senior year of high school, we took a family trip to Maryland, D.C., and Northern Virginia. We visited the Wall. Bob Huie's name was the only name my father wanted to see. I only saw my father cry three times in my whole life. That was the last time I saw him cry.
In this way, I carry on my father's memory of Robert Huie. Whenever I remember my father, I remember Robert Huie, and think of his wife and two sons. He is greatly missed.
Christopher McCallum Yardage
Son of Joe Heard Hardage, Captain, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
(Dates of Service: 1963-1969, Vietnam 1967-1968) CHRISTOPHER MCCALLUM HARDAGE, 11/17/98
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