Robert Bartlett '55
Lucky Bag
From the 1955 Lucky Bag:
Los Angeles, California
Bart, who spent four years at USNA trying to have the entire institution transplanted to California, listed partying as his favorite sport. A pre-law student at UCLA, Bart didn't discover that women make excellent cooks until he signed up for a hitch in the Navy. During his tour of duty he constantly had a platoon of females on duty. His roommates maintained that he must have found some of them under a rock, but Bart, being truly a scholar and a gentleman of the old school, says he's never seen an ugly woman nor tasted bad whiskey. He may be shocked when he gets into the outside world.
He was also a member of the 13th Company staff (winter).

Los Angeles, California
Bart, who spent four years at USNA trying to have the entire institution transplanted to California, listed partying as his favorite sport. A pre-law student at UCLA, Bart didn't discover that women make excellent cooks until he signed up for a hitch in the Navy. During his tour of duty he constantly had a platoon of females on duty. His roommates maintained that he must have found some of them under a rock, but Bart, being truly a scholar and a gentleman of the old school, says he's never seen an ugly woman nor tasted bad whiskey. He may be shocked when he gets into the outside world.
He was also a member of the 13th Company staff (winter).
Bart was lost when his RB-57 weather reconnaissance plane crashed near Albuquerque, New Mexico, on November 7, 1966. His co-pilot was also lost.
Other Information
From the January 1967 issue of Shipmate:
Capt. Robert O. Bartlett, USAF, died in a military aircraft accident in the Sandia Mountains near Albuquerque, N. M., on 7 Nov. He was serving with USAF 58 Weather Reconnaissance Squadron, Kirtland Air Force Base, New Mexico. Memorial services were held by the Squadron in the Base Chapel on 9 Nov.; services were also held at the Goodbody Mortuary in San Diego, Calif., with interment in the Holy Cross Cemetery Mausoleum on the 10th.
Capt. Bartlett, who was born in Los Angeles, was graduated from the Naval Academy in 1955. He received primary pilot training at Laredo Air Force Base, Texas, then fighter pilot training, followed by duty as fighter pilot, 4 Tow Target Squadron, George AFB, Calif.
In June 1958 he was assigned to Johnson AFB, Japan, as a B-57 pilot, 8 Bomb Squadron, then he attended the Air University at Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio. He received a Master of Science degree in nuclear engineering in 1962, and completed the Squadron Officers School, correspondence course, in July 1964.
In October 1962 Capt. Bartlett was assigned as nuclear safety officer in the 1211th Test Squadron, Kirtland AFB, later redesignated 58th Weather Squadron, and was awarded the Air Force Commendation Medal for outstanding accomplishments in that assignment. Since February 1965 he has been an aircraft commander of an RB-57 F, a high altitude aircraft, and his name has been submitted for the Air Medal for accomplishments while involved in aerial flights.
From January through June 1966 Capt. Bartlett was commander of a new operating location in Argentina, wherein he established a complete working base of operation with minimal support. He had been cited by the Argentines and the U. S. Air Force for outstanding accomplishments in that capacity, and had been cited for the Commendation Medal. He had compiled 2810 hours with Senior Pilot rating as of August 1963.
Surviving are his widow Sigrid of 1803 Maiden St., San Diego (in care of W. O. Peterson), and his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Owen A. Bartlett of 1216 Rock View St., Los Angeles.
He is buried in California.
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