Robert Vincent '68
Robert Patterson Vincent was killed on September 3, 1974 in a "justifiable homicide" in Houston. He had been shot in the abdomen at approximately 11:40pm on September 1st at 10631 Main Street, "not at work." He died at Ben Taub General Hospital. The death record says he was born in Mississippi, was married, and employed as a computer systems analyst. His father was Theodore Vincent and his mother's maiden name was Edwin Elizabeth Campbell. He is buried in Texas.
He was born on September 22, 1944 and entered with a Fleet appointment.
He was given an "unsatisfactory conduct discharge" from the Naval Academy on August 18, 1967. In an email from a Lee Richardson '68 on June 8, 2017, a company-mate of "Vinny":
We were in the 6th company which, during the 66-67 ac-year was located on the 4th deck of the 1st wing. Bob (Vinny) was caught growing weed on the window ledge(!) and of course was dismissed. Being a former white hat, and adhering to the policy of the time, he reverted back to enlisted status to serve out his original enlistment.
Note that the last part is inaccurate: He was discharged from the Navy, not returned to the Fleet.
The Register of Alumni gives his date of death but no other information.
His birth was announced in the Delta Democrat-Times from Greenville, Mississippi; his parents were named as "Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Vincent."
There was another Robert P(eyton) Vincent who was commissioned in 1968 and became a F-14 pilot. He seems to have survived his service; he was mentioned in his sister's obituary in 2012.
Memorial Hall Error
Robert should not be included in Memorial Hall, but until his name is removed this page will exist to document why he should be removed.

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