Robert Vogel '89
Lucky Bag
From the 1989 Lucky Bag:
Robert William Vogel
Newtown, Connecticut
Deciding that college life was too humdrum for him, Ogre chose the fast paced action found at Canoe U. After having a rough plebe year in 20th Company, Rob wandered into 14th. 3/c year found him still living life as a plebe (shirt stays, refusal to succumb to the rack). 2/c year saw him sporting airborne wings and an enthusiastic attitude towards the role of being the plebe's teacher. The 4/c thought he was too enthusiastic. The role of a student did not fit him well as he got bounced around by the Mech E and EE departments. When he wasn't fighting to become SAT, he was fighting Bruno for that ever precious commodity, GORP. During 1/c year, his plebe summer squad almost made him change his service selection from air to medical corps as a result of his daily trips to sick call. He developed quite a way with the ladies, who called and asked if he was coming up to see them. He was Company Commander and senior member of the "Power Click," providing an excellent example to everyone, except during drill where he was out of step. Second semester saw him in a much easier job which left him time to get big and bulky (he now weighs 150 pounds). AEA

Robert William Vogel
Newtown, Connecticut
Deciding that college life was too humdrum for him, Ogre chose the fast paced action found at Canoe U. After having a rough plebe year in 20th Company, Rob wandered into 14th. 3/c year found him still living life as a plebe (shirt stays, refusal to succumb to the rack). 2/c year saw him sporting airborne wings and an enthusiastic attitude towards the role of being the plebe's teacher. The 4/c thought he was too enthusiastic. The role of a student did not fit him well as he got bounced around by the Mech E and EE departments. When he wasn't fighting to become SAT, he was fighting Bruno for that ever precious commodity, GORP. During 1/c year, his plebe summer squad almost made him change his service selection from air to medical corps as a result of his daily trips to sick call. He developed quite a way with the ladies, who called and asked if he was coming up to see them. He was Company Commander and senior member of the "Power Click," providing an excellent example to everyone, except during drill where he was out of step. Second semester saw him in a much easier job which left him time to get big and bulky (he now weighs 150 pounds). AEA
Robert was lost on October 3, 1995 when the H-46 Sea Knight he was piloting crashed into the Atlantic Ocean.
From The Washington Post on October 5, 1995:
A Navy helicopter carrying four crewmen on a training exercise crashed into the Atlantic Ocean off the Virginia coast, and search teams recovered the body of one victim, the Navy said yesterday.
The search for the three other members of the H-46 Sea Knight crew was called off late in the day. They are presumed dead, said Cmdr. Kevin Wensing, a spokesman for the Navy's Atlantic Fleet Air Force.
The helicopter was about 10 miles from the amphibious assault ship Guam when it was reported missing shortly after 9 p.m. Tuesday, Wensing said. The crash site is about 50 miles east of Cape Henry Lighthouse in Virginia Beach.
The dual-engine helicopter, which can carry about 12 people, was assigned to Combat Support Squadron 6 at Norfolk Naval Air Station.
The body, as well as some debris from the aircraft, was recovered by a search team from the Guam soon after the crash.
The Navy identified the helicopter pilots as Lt. Ronald J. Mobayed, 27, of Springfield, and Lt. Robert W. Vogel, 29, of Newtown, Conn. The crewmen were identified as Petty Officer 2nd Class Daniel R. Biddle, 26, of Burgoon, Ohio, an avionics electronic technician, and Petty Officer 3rd Class Eric M. Hakel, 23, of Mechanicsburg, Pa., an avionics electronic technician. The Navy said Biddle's body was recovered.
The cause of the crash is under investigation, Wensing said.
Lieutenant Robert W. Vogel was killed in a helicopter crash on 3 October 1995 during a search and rescue mission off Cape Henry, Virginia. A funeral service and military burial was held in Newtown, Connecticut on 22 October 1995.
Rob was born on 13 February 1966 in Groton, CT. He graduated from Newtown High School in 1984 and attended Lafayette College for one year before his persistence prevailed in gaining acceptance to the Naval Academy. His determination and innate leadership ability served to earn him the billet of 14th Company Commander his first class year. He graduated with a degree in Ocean Engineering.
After commissioning, he attended Naval Flight Training and flew helicopters until July 1991, when an automobile accident left him nearly paralyzed. During his recovery, Rob qualified as Engineering Officer of the Watch and Surface Warfare Officer on SACRAMENTO during deployment to Somalia and the Persian Gulf.
Through exemplary willpower and a great love for flight, Rob returned to flight status in 1994 and deployed to the Adriatic on KEARSARGE in support of peacekeeping operations off Serbia. He had recently returned home to HC-6 at Norfolk Naval Air Station when his CH-46 SEA KNIGHT went down at sea.
Rob is survived by his parents, Robert and Judith Vogel of Alpharetta, Georgia; his sister, Karen Vogel, and his paternal grandparents, Robert and Grace Vogel of Southbury, Connecticut. His father graduated from the Naval Academy in 1961.
Rob will be remembered for his outstanding perseverance and unselfish generosity toward others. He faced every setback with firm resolve, and heroically gave his life attempting to rescue others at sea.
Memorial contributions should be made to Navy Relief Mention the "LT Robert W. Vogel Memorial" in a memo and mailed to: LT Robert W. Vogel Memorial Navy Relief Society, 801 N Randolph St, Suite 1228 Arlington, VA 22203-1978. The fund will help provide aid to Navy families in time of distress.
Robert's Find A Grave page is here.
The Lt. Robert W. Vogel, USN Memorial Scholarship Fund is a four-year scholarship is for graduating seniors from Newtown High School in Newtown, Connecticut, who have demonstrated academic achievement, school and community leadership, and financial need. To qualify for this scholarship, applicants must show a commitment to pursuing an academic curriculum leading to a degree at a four-year accredited college or university.
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Ronald Mobayed '91 was also lost in this crash.

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