Ronald Carpenter '68
Lucky Bag
From the 1968 Lucky Bag:
Forest City, North Carolina
Red, who hails from the Piedmont Country of "faws" City, North Carolina, had little trouble adjusting to the rigors of civilization once he learned to speak English. He participated on the plebe pistol and baseball teams, but finally saw the light and became an intramural supporter. During second class year Red had a brief encounter with a girl-type North Carolinian, but decided to drop her, baggage and all, in favor of a Corvette. Red, a Mechanical Engineering major, followed up his interest in cars by taking an active role in the class car committee. After four wet years of distinguished service above and below the water, he earned the dubious title of COMSUBSQUAD. Red's present goal is to obtain an immediate masters in Mechanical Engineering and ultimately to be a Naval Aviator. With his easy going manner and determination. Red should attain his goals and more.

Forest City, North Carolina
Red, who hails from the Piedmont Country of "faws" City, North Carolina, had little trouble adjusting to the rigors of civilization once he learned to speak English. He participated on the plebe pistol and baseball teams, but finally saw the light and became an intramural supporter. During second class year Red had a brief encounter with a girl-type North Carolinian, but decided to drop her, baggage and all, in favor of a Corvette. Red, a Mechanical Engineering major, followed up his interest in cars by taking an active role in the class car committee. After four wet years of distinguished service above and below the water, he earned the dubious title of COMSUBSQUAD. Red's present goal is to obtain an immediate masters in Mechanical Engineering and ultimately to be a Naval Aviator. With his easy going manner and determination. Red should attain his goals and more.
Ronald was lost on January 11, 1969 when the training plane he was piloting crashed near Naval Air Station Meridian, Mississippi. A member of Training Squadron (VT) 7, he was making his final solo flight when the crash occurred.
Other Information
From Captain Gordon Peterson, USN (Ret.), Class of 1968 Corresponding Secretary, on May 29, 2018:
Ens. Carpenter was born in Cool Springs, N.C., attended East High School in North Carolina, and was graduated from the Naval Academy in 1968. In July he commenced flight training at Pensacola and was sent to Meridian for advanced training.
Survivors include his parents Mr. and Mrs. John F. Carpenter, PO Box 239, Forest City, NC 28043; two sisters Mrs. Kenneth Tisdale of Shelby, N.C., and Mary Beth of the home; his paternal grandmother Mrs. Rufus Carpenter of Forest City, and his maternal grandmother Mrs. C.H. Lavender of Bostic, N.C.
Contemporary newspaper articles noted Carpenter had not reported any trouble prior to the crash of the T-2A jet trainer about 25 miles north of the Meridian Air Station and 4 miles west of Shuqualak in Noxubee County, MS.
From researcher Kathy Franz:
Ronald graduated from East Rutherford High School in 1964. As a junior, he was treasurer of the Key Club, on the Cavalier newspaper staff; a member of Beta Club and the Monogram Club; and played for the football team.
At the rededication of the local Forest City Veterans Memorial Garden in May, 1988, Ron's parents John and Georgiana were photographed placing a flag at the plaque honoring their son's memory. The accompanying article also mentions Ronald "Red" Carpenter played baseball for the East Rutherford Cavaliers high school team in this same park.
Ronald is buried in North Carolina.

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