Theodore Golec '51
Lucky Bag
From the 1951 Lucky Bag:
Theodore Ray Golec
Johnstown, Pennsylvania
Known as "T. R.", the Mad Russian of the thirty-sixth company . . . claims to have received inspiration for the nautical life from the various Johnstown floods . . . only man in the Naval Academy ever to study Russian, Polish, Spanish, and Latin American women in two years . . . maintains that the category of Latin American women was by far the most interesting and educational . . . as a fireman 1/c aboard the USS Tarawa, he got the advanced dope on youngster steam . . . no lover of Jazz or popular music he prefers his music in the robust Russian manner . . . one of the few left at Navy who merely wants to be a line officer . . . no subs . . . air force . . . marines or other special duty for him . . .

Theodore Ray Golec
Johnstown, Pennsylvania
Known as "T. R.", the Mad Russian of the thirty-sixth company . . . claims to have received inspiration for the nautical life from the various Johnstown floods . . . only man in the Naval Academy ever to study Russian, Polish, Spanish, and Latin American women in two years . . . maintains that the category of Latin American women was by far the most interesting and educational . . . as a fireman 1/c aboard the USS Tarawa, he got the advanced dope on youngster steam . . . no lover of Jazz or popular music he prefers his music in the robust Russian manner . . . one of the few left at Navy who merely wants to be a line officer . . . no subs . . . air force . . . marines or other special duty for him . . .
Theodore was lost on October 28, 1953 when he died at the Naval Hospital in Pensacola, Florida of injuries sustained on October 22nd when his F-67 trainer crashed at Bronson Field.
Other Information
From researcher Kathy Franz:
He graduated from Greater Johnstown High School in 1945. “Ted.” College Course. Science Club President, Hi-Y. Ambition: Farmer. (Armed Forces—Navy). “The Kind of Girl I Like” – “Must be able to support a family – Willing to lie down and die for her man – must be rugged – must be a college graduate – must be an excellent cook – must not be afraid of mice – must not mind if “hubby” flirts – must have black hair.”
He is buried in Pennsylvania.

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