Walter Ulrich '07
Lucky Bag
From the 1907 Lucky Bag:
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
"Wissie," "Dutch," "Moonface"
The moon-faced C.P.O. Has kept up a phenomenal yearly growth in spite of Academy steaks and omelets. There is Swiss blood in his veins, but Rinehardt thinks that any man from Milwaukee with such a name must be Dutch, and gives him a "beootiful fe-ut " accordingly. Recites as if under forced draught. Reads Conduct Reports with a quaver and frequent halts over choice penmanship. Decided to become a fusser (2) but after taking a "peach" (?) to the next hop for an overburdened friend, gladly rejoined the Red Mikes.
Chief Petty Officer.

Milwaukee, Wisconsin
"Wissie," "Dutch," "Moonface"
The moon-faced C.P.O. Has kept up a phenomenal yearly growth in spite of Academy steaks and omelets. There is Swiss blood in his veins, but Rinehardt thinks that any man from Milwaukee with such a name must be Dutch, and gives him a "beootiful fe-ut " accordingly. Recites as if under forced draught. Reads Conduct Reports with a quaver and frequent halts over choice penmanship. Decided to become a fusser (2) but after taking a "peach" (?) to the next hop for an overburdened friend, gladly rejoined the Red Mikes.
Chief Petty Officer.
Walter was lost when the steam-powered launch he was aboard was run down and sunk on June 11, 1907, in Hampton Roads. He was a passenger returning to the battleship Connecticut, which he was stationed aboard, from the Jamestown Exposition.
Other Information
From researcher Kathy Franz:
Walter was born and raised in LaCrosse until his family moved to Milwaukee. He was the son of Professor Carl Ulrich, a former instructor in German in the La Crosse high school. Walter was appointed to the Naval Academy by Congressman Otjen.
From the Portage Daily Register, June 22, 1907. “The body was met in Milwaukee by military officers, including Gens. MacArthur and King, and the bereaved mother and other members of the family and friends. As the train pulled into the depot, the military escort stood at attention, while eight non commissioned officers from the revenue cutter Tuscarora removed the casket from the car to the hearse.
The floral offerings included an anchor of white carnations, tied with orange and black ribbons, the colors of the navy, sent by Midshipman Rufus King [Class of 1908], son of Gen. King, who was a friend of the unfortunate midshipman. Other offerings were sent by officers on board the Minnesota, on which Midshipman Ulrich served.
Gen. Chas. King was in charge of the military escort, which included members of Companies A and D, First regiment, W. N. G. Co. E, acting as a special escort, a delegation from High McGrath camp, Spanish War Veterans. Military honors were rendered at the grave.
Among the officers at the funeral in Milwaukee were Midshipman Hinkamp, U.S.N., [Class of 1907] who is in Milwaukee on leave of absence, and Lieuts. Powers and Ben Castle, U.S.A. Lieut. Castle, who was one of the honorary pall bearers, was with Ulrich and Holden shortly before their tragic end, the young army and navy officers having attended a ball at Jamestown that evening.”
The tug Potomac found his body a week after the sinking.
Related Articles
Philip Field '06, William Stevenson '06, Herbert Holden '07, Franklin Holcomb '07, and Henry Murfin, Jr. '07 were also drowned in this incident.
Memorial Hall Error
Walter was a midshipman at the time of his loss; Memorial Hall lists him as an Ensign. There is no evidence of a posthumous promotion.

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