William Allen '43
Lucky Bag
From the 1943 Lucky Bag:
Ashland, Alabama
After knowing him, you cease to wonder why the home-town belles were draped in mourning when Bill left. He got his start that way back in Clay County, where his popularity extended to all maidens on both sides of the mountain. His first love, women, has never been subdivided, but athletics have not been entirely unheeded. In the fall, Butch is out barking signals for the battalion football team, and spring finds him playing Tarzan off the high board in the natatorium. Our most pleasant memories of the Naval Academy are associated with this gay, nonchalant fellow. Here's real officer material and a fine shipmate.
The Class of 1943 was graduated in June 1942 due to World War II. The entirety of 2nd class (junior) year was removed from the curriculum.

Ashland, Alabama
After knowing him, you cease to wonder why the home-town belles were draped in mourning when Bill left. He got his start that way back in Clay County, where his popularity extended to all maidens on both sides of the mountain. His first love, women, has never been subdivided, but athletics have not been entirely unheeded. In the fall, Butch is out barking signals for the battalion football team, and spring finds him playing Tarzan off the high board in the natatorium. Our most pleasant memories of the Naval Academy are associated with this gay, nonchalant fellow. Here's real officer material and a fine shipmate.
The Class of 1943 was graduated in June 1942 due to World War II. The entirety of 2nd class (junior) year was removed from the curriculum.
From the October 1958 issue of Shipmate:
Cdr. WILLIAM B. ALLEN, USN, was killed 19 August 1958 in an aircraft accident in the Mediterranean where he was commanding officer of Fighter Squadron 11.
Following graduation he served on the battleship NEVADA during World War II, taking part in the Aleutians campaign and the Normandy invasion. He became a Naval Aviator in 1945. During the Korean conflict he fought as a jet pilot with Fighter Squadron 22 based on the carrier LAKE CHAMPLAIN.
Commander Allen is survived by his widow Mary Beth, of Jacksonville, Fla.; two daughters, Celia Sharon and Ann Wayne, and his mother, Mrs. Eric C. Allen of Santa Rosa Beach, Fla.
Other Information
From the Class of 1943 anniversary book "25 years later…":
Bill was born in Ashland, Clay County, Alabama on 4 October 1919. He received his appointment from Alabama and entered the Naval Academy on 8 July 1939. After graduation he served in the battleship USS NEVADA in both the Aleutian Campaign and the Normandy invasions. In October 1944 Bill went to flight training, to Fighter Squadron Ninety-eight in January 1946 and in June of that year to Fighter Squadron Fifty-two. He transited to jets and reported to the carrier USS BLOCK ISLAND as air officer.
During the Korean War he was the operations officer of Carrier Air Group Four and participated in combat operations as an F-2H-2 pilot in Fighter Squadron Twenty-two operating from the carrier USS LAKE CHAMPLAIN and subsequently became that squadron's executive officer. Then followed a tour of shore duty in office of Naval Operations in which he was in OP 54 and was aide to the Vice Chief of Naval Operations. In February 1957, Bill became Commanding Officer of Fighter Squadron Eleven. He was serving in this capacity aboard the carrier USS ESSEX in the Mediterranean when he lost his life on 19 August 1958 in an aircraft accident.
He was entitled to wear the American Area Defense Service Medal, the Asiatic-Pacific Area Campaign Medal with a bronze star, the European-African-Middle East Campaign Medal with bronze star, the American Area Campaign Medal, the WWII Victory Medal, the Korean Defense Medal with a number of bronze stars, and the United Nations Campaign Medal.
He is survived by his wife Mary Beth and their daughters Celia Sharon and Ann Wayne. On June 15, 1967 Mary Beth became Mrs. John S. Pilkington, Lansdowne, Selma, Alabama. Celia is a junior at Hollins College and Ann a 10th grader at Parrish High School, Selma.
William is buried in Arlington National Cemetery.

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