From USNA Virtual Memorial Hall
Brian Hurst '71

Date of birth: January 2, 1949

Date of death: May 15, 1977

Age: 28

Lucky Bag

From the 1971 Lucky Bag:

1971 Hurst LB.jpg



Bri came to Annapolis in June of 1967, and was next heard from after his motorcycle wreck in June of '68. Not one to go out of his way in becoming well known, Brian could always be found at his desk studying. Depended on by most of his peers at some time or another, Brian was always willing to help. Whether it be a haircut 5 minutes before watch squad formation, a weapons lab at 4:00 in the morning or a fear crazed ride back to make morning meal formation, Brian always came through. Famous for playing the role of "Krunch" in the cycle team of "Krash & Krunch," Brian was undaunted by his misfortune and never lost his love for adventure. Graduating to airplanes, we all hope his epic wrecks are behind him.

1971 Hurst LB.jpg



Bri came to Annapolis in June of 1967, and was next heard from after his motorcycle wreck in June of '68. Not one to go out of his way in becoming well known, Brian could always be found at his desk studying. Depended on by most of his peers at some time or another, Brian was always willing to help. Whether it be a haircut 5 minutes before watch squad formation, a weapons lab at 4:00 in the morning or a fear crazed ride back to make morning meal formation, Brian always came through. Famous for playing the role of "Krunch" in the cycle team of "Krash & Krunch," Brian was undaunted by his misfortune and never lost his love for adventure. Graduating to airplanes, we all hope his epic wrecks are behind him.


Brian was lost on May 15, 1977 when the F-4 Phantom II he was piloting crashed into the Mediterranean Sea while attempting to land aboard USS Independence (CV 62). The radar intercept officer was also killed; they were members of Fighter Squadron (VF) 102, based at Naval Air Station Oceana, Virginia.

From the memo "Command History for Calendar Year 1977 (OPNAV Report 5750-1)" date stamped March 23, 1978:

While participating in Exercise "Dawn Patrol", from 15 to 16 April, the DIAMONDBACKS flew CAP missions and AIC in support of CAG SEVEN training strikes into Turkey. During this exercise, Lieutenants Dennis O'MALLEY and Brian HURST were lost in a night carrier landing accident.

Other Information

From the October 1977 issue of Shipmate:

Lt. Brian Dwane Hurst USN was lost at sea due to an aircraft accident during a night carrier barricade landing on board USS Independence on 15 May 1977 in the Eastern Mediterranean. Memorial services were held on board ship.

Appointed to the Naval Academy from the State of Illinois, he was graduated with the Class of 1971. As a midshipman he was known for his spirit and his willingness to help. Upon receiving his commission he reported to the destroyer Hull for four months, then reported for flight training and was designated naval aviator in May of 1973. During this training period he also earned his Master of Science degree at the University of West Florida, Pensacola. Further training followed whereupon he joined Fighter Squadron One Hundred One as a replacement pilot in the F-4 Phantom. He later joined Fighter Squadron One Hundred Two aboard Independence and had been with this group for six months when the fatal accident occurred.

He is survived by his widow, Mary, a son, and his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Foster Hurst of Carthage, Illinois.

From researcher Kathy Franz:

Brian was on the Shelbyville High School track team running the 880. He lettered in both his junior and senior years graduating in 1967. He was a 140-lb quarterback his senior year.

Brian was nominated to the Naval Academy by Congressman George E. Shipley (D-Olnes) Illinois.

He has a marker in Illinois.

Related Articles

Dennis O'Malley '72 was the Radar Intercept Officer.

Class of 1971

Brian is one of 14 members of the Class of 1971 on Virtual Memorial Hall.

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