Carroll Boswinkle '48
Caroll William Boswinkle was admitted to the Naval Academy with an At Large appointment on June 12, 1944 at age 19 years 11 months.
Lucky Bag
From the 1948-A Lucky Bag "In Memoriam" page:
Carroll was killed on August 12, 1944 on the Chesapeake Bay near Annapolis when a plane conducting a simulated strafing run crashed into the ship (an unidentified LCI) he was aboard. In addition to his classmate, the pilot and an observer (a WAVE) aboard the plane were killed.
Other Information
From researcher Kathy Franz:
In December 1940, Carroll and his brother Robert went to Chicago and watched Sonja Heine in her famous ice carnival exhibition.
Carroll graduated in 1942 from the Mount Ayr High School. In November 1941, he participated in a panel discussion on “What Does the Future Hold for a High School Graduate?” In December, he sang bass in the Fourth Annual Newton County High School Chorus concert.
Carroll attended Purdue University for one year. In April 1943, he enlisted in the Navy and was stationed at Great Lakes.
He was survived by his parents, Robert and Caroline, brother Robert, and sister Winifred. His father ran a general merchant store.
Related Articles
Ralph Jillson '48 was also killed in this crash.

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