Daniel Emslie '45
Daniel Farnsworth Emslie was admitted to the Naval Academy from New Jersey on June 20, 1941 at age 17 years 8 months. He resigned on November 6, 1943 with the note: "Deficient in studies. Reexamined and again deficient. Discharged under honorable conditions."
Lucky Bag
Daniel Farnsworth Emslie is listed among those classmates who did not graduate in June 1944 with the Class of 1945.
Daniel was lost when his fighter plane crashed during a training flight near Los Alamitos, California, on January 7, 1946.
Other Information
From researcher Kathy Franz:
Daniel lived in Montclair, New Jersey. He attended Edgemont, Mount Hebron and Montclair High School. In June, 1941, he graduated from Randall School in Washington, D. C.
In July 1944, he completed his pre-flight training at Chapel Hill, North Carolina, and was next sent to the Naval Air Station at Ottumwa, Iowa, for primary flight training.
Daniel’s father was George Walter Emslie, a commercial salesman of woolen cloth. He probably met his wife Josephine when he worked at her father’s factory. They married June 17, 1920.
He is buried in New Jersey.
From the Montclair Times on January 10, 1946:
Ens. Daniel Emslie In Fatal Air Crash
Ensign Daniel Farnsworth Emslie U.S.N.R., was killed Monday when a plane he was piloting crashed about seven miles northeast of the field at the Naval Air Station, Los Alamitos, Calif. His mother, Mrs. Josephine Farnsworth, was notified of his death in a message received Monday night from the Naval Hospital, Long Beach, Calif.
Mrs. Farnsworth, who lives at 45 Park Avenue, New York City, is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel. W. Farnsworth of 500 Park Street, Upper Montclair.
After attending local schools, Ensign Emslie received an appointment to the United States Naval Academy examination. Because of a strong desire to fly, Ensign Emslie left the academy in his final year to enter Naval Aviation, early in 1944.
He trained in the South, the Midwest and the Far East, and was picked for single flying when commissioned at Corpus Christi, Tex., last July 4. Besides his grandparents and his mother, Ensign Emslie who was 22 is survived by his sister, Miss Janet C. Emslie who lives with her mother at the New York City address.
Memorial Hall Error
Daniel is listed in the news report and on his headstone as "USNR;" however, Memorial Hall has USN.

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