Francis Mulvanity '43
Lucky Bag
From the 1943 Lucky Bag:
Nashua, New Hampshire
"Mouse," or "Silky," as he is known by his many friends, is distinctive for his amazing sense of humor. His never-failing felicity and wit, coupled with this sense of humor, have been a constant source of enjoyment to his classmates, in class as well as in the hall. He possesses a unique ability to make and keep friends, is a good sport, and has a pleasant word for everyone he meets. During plebe and youngster years, the Radio Club, Boat Club, and Movie gang made up his activities. His favorite memories are of Youngster Cruise, where he made most of his friends. Every man aboard the Arkansas knew "The Mouse."
The Class of 1943 was graduated in June 1942 due to World War II. The entirety of 2nd class (junior) year was removed from the curriculum.

Nashua, New Hampshire
"Mouse," or "Silky," as he is known by his many friends, is distinctive for his amazing sense of humor. His never-failing felicity and wit, coupled with this sense of humor, have been a constant source of enjoyment to his classmates, in class as well as in the hall. He possesses a unique ability to make and keep friends, is a good sport, and has a pleasant word for everyone he meets. During plebe and youngster years, the Radio Club, Boat Club, and Movie gang made up his activities. His favorite memories are of Youngster Cruise, where he made most of his friends. Every man aboard the Arkansas knew "The Mouse."
The Class of 1943 was graduated in June 1942 due to World War II. The entirety of 2nd class (junior) year was removed from the curriculum.
Francis was lost when USS Walke (DD 416) was sunk on November 15, 1942 at the Naval Battle of Guadalcanal.
From Find A Grave:
Nephew of Miss. K. J. Mulvanity.
Francis served as a Ensign, U.S.S. Walke (DD-416), U.S. Navy during World War II.
He resided in Hillsborough County, New Hampshire prior to the war.
The Walke was sunk in the Naval Battle of Guadalcanal when a "Long Lance" torpedo slammed into her starboard side at a point almost directly below mount 52. Almost simultaneously, a salvo of shells from the Japanese ships Nagara, Ayanami, and Uranami hurtled down upon the hapless destroyer. Soon the order was given to abandon ship and the Walke sank rapidly.
Walke lost 82 of her crew and six officers, including the ship's Commander Thomas E. Fraser.
Francis was declared "Missing In Action" in the sinking of the Walke.
He was awarded the Purple Heart.
From the Class of 1943 anniversary book "25 years later…":
Silky was born on 18 November, 1921 in Nashua, New Hampshire. He was appointed from New Hampshire and entered the Academy on 13 July, 1939. After graduation he was assigned to the destroyer USS WALKE which was engaged in combat in the South Pacific. On the night of 14 November, 1945, the WALKE spearheaded the American attack at the Fourth Battle of Savo Island. After ten minutes of heavy fire, the enemy cruiser NAGARA found its mark on the WALKE which was followed by a devastating torpedo hit that threw her number two fire inch mount a hundred feet in the air. The ship soon sank among exploding depth charges. Silky was missing after this action He wore the Purple Heart, American Defense Service Medal with Fleet Clasp, and the Asiatic-Pacific Area Campaign Medal. Silky was survived by his aunt Miss K. J. Mulvanity who at Silky’s death lived at 15 New Street, Nashua, New Hampshire.

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