George Moffett, Jr. '49
Lucky Bag
From the 1949 Lucky Bag:
George L. Moffett, Jr.
Collingswood, New Jersey
Moff arrived at Navy Tech after two years as a cadet in the Naval Air Corps, having spent three semesters learning some mechanical engineering at Penn State in the Navy's college program. Arriving too late to take part in Plebe Summer activities, he made up for lost time by making his numerals on the plebe gym team. Youngster Year saw Moff begin his varsity sojourn by winning his letter on the parallel bars. Wherever there were two pipes or pieces of wood resembling his beloved bars, he could be found demonstrating his art. Due to his stay in the air corps, Moff definitely had his sights set on being a full fledged fly-boy. Wedding bells were not expected to ring immediately, but Moff was still keeping a good eye open for the girl.
George was a member of the gym team.

George L. Moffett, Jr.
Collingswood, New Jersey
Moff arrived at Navy Tech after two years as a cadet in the Naval Air Corps, having spent three semesters learning some mechanical engineering at Penn State in the Navy's college program. Arriving too late to take part in Plebe Summer activities, he made up for lost time by making his numerals on the plebe gym team. Youngster Year saw Moff begin his varsity sojourn by winning his letter on the parallel bars. Wherever there were two pipes or pieces of wood resembling his beloved bars, he could be found demonstrating his art. Due to his stay in the air corps, Moff definitely had his sights set on being a full fledged fly-boy. Wedding bells were not expected to ring immediately, but Moff was still keeping a good eye open for the girl.
George was a member of the gym team.
George was "lost at sea" as a pilot with Fighter Squadron (VF) 31 while operating in the Mediterranean. That squadron flew the F2H Banshee at the time; he was likely flying from USS Leyte (CVA 32).
Other Information
From researcher Kathy Franz:
George was a sophomore at Collingswood High School in 1941 and participated in the band and glee club. In August 1949, he participated in the vespers service at the National Cathedral, Mt. St. Alban, Washington, D. C. He married the former Ruth Wuensche in February 1951. In April 1952, they were visited by his parents, George and Ella, for a week in Orlando. His father was an asbestos contractor, and his brother was Arthur.
From Corpus Christi Caller-Times on February 18, 1951:
Mrs. George L. Moffett, Jr., the former Ruth Wuensche, is pictured in her wedding dress of antique white satin which she wore with an illusion veil which fell from a starched lace pillbox. She and Ens. Moffett, who were married at Trinity Lutheran Church here on Feb. 4, are on a wedding trip to New Jersey, following which they will be at home at Norfolk, Va. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John A. Wuensche, 815 Louisiana.
The couple's engagement was announced in that same paper on January 7, 1951. She and George had no children together.
She remarried, to a Navy Lieutenant, in September 1954. She passed away in 2016 at age 98.
George's Find A Grave page is here.

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