Howard Moore '48
Lucky Bag
From the 1948 Lucky Bag:
Monticello, Illinois
Mail out? ... a foghorn voice from under the desk ... a daily ritual . . . we set our watches by his morning mating call to the mailman ... a period each day devoted to letter opening ... at least the Gazette never fails . . . how else could we keep up on the state tourney? The annual prophecy . . . Watch the Sages. They're a dark horse this March. A veteran of many wars . . . Army of Kemper . . . he spends many a night working out tactics with Perk . . . Army of Staunton . . . yes . . . tactics . . . mainly to defeat section 22 . . . Regulations . . . USNA. Old memories will bring back recollections of the famous eight . . . birds of a feather. When athletics are mentioned ... an original member of the Sunday Whiz Kids was he . . . but those cold evenings . . . that saddle on the radiator is rather comforting when 8th period rolls around ... he has worn out quite a few during his winters at Hotel Bancroft. In academics he's coming fast on the outside ... a few snags plebe year . . . Christmas in Annapolis . . . the skin of his teeth in June . . . but since joining the ranks of B the grades are jumping. All famous men are known for one famous quote . . . here's one H. B. would use at least once each French period . . . Je ne sais pas . . . now and then . . . Je ne comprend pas . . . for variety.
Howard was a member of the Brigade Staff for both winter and spring. He graduated from the 23rd Company with the class of 1948-B in June 1948. (The top half of the class academically, designated 1948-A, graduated in June 1947 as the last wartime-accelerated class.)

Monticello, Illinois
Mail out? ... a foghorn voice from under the desk ... a daily ritual . . . we set our watches by his morning mating call to the mailman ... a period each day devoted to letter opening ... at least the Gazette never fails . . . how else could we keep up on the state tourney? The annual prophecy . . . Watch the Sages. They're a dark horse this March. A veteran of many wars . . . Army of Kemper . . . he spends many a night working out tactics with Perk . . . Army of Staunton . . . yes . . . tactics . . . mainly to defeat section 22 . . . Regulations . . . USNA. Old memories will bring back recollections of the famous eight . . . birds of a feather. When athletics are mentioned ... an original member of the Sunday Whiz Kids was he . . . but those cold evenings . . . that saddle on the radiator is rather comforting when 8th period rolls around ... he has worn out quite a few during his winters at Hotel Bancroft. In academics he's coming fast on the outside ... a few snags plebe year . . . Christmas in Annapolis . . . the skin of his teeth in June . . . but since joining the ranks of B the grades are jumping. All famous men are known for one famous quote . . . here's one H. B. would use at least once each French period . . . Je ne sais pas . . . now and then . . . Je ne comprend pas . . . for variety.
Howard was a member of the Brigade Staff for both winter and spring. He graduated from the 23rd Company with the class of 1948-B in June 1948. (The top half of the class academically, designated 1948-A, graduated in June 1947 as the last wartime-accelerated class.)
Howard's A-3D Skyraider crashed near NAS Whidbey Island, WA, on June 7, 1960. LTjg Richard D. North was also lost. Both were members of Heavy Attack Squadron (VAH) 4. He is buried in Illinois.
Other Information
From researcher Kathy Franz:
The Tucson Arizona newspaper in 1960 called him Howard (Buzz) Moore.
Howard was stationed in Oak Harbor, Washington, and was flight commander of a unit making training flights before taking jet planes to the Orient.
Survivors included his father Bradford, mother Jane, sisters Mary Jane and Peggy, wife Frances, and two sons Bradford (8) and Peter (6). His grandfather was the late Allen F. Moore, builder of the Pepsin Syrup Co. in Monticello, banker and former Congressman. The company is now Glenbrook Laboratories Division of Sterling Drugs Inc. , and his home is now the Kirby Memorial Hospital.
As a sophomore at Monticello High, “Bus” was a class officer. On the page “Before the Court,” he was charged: For not writing a book on “How to distract teachers and influence demerits.” He was an alternate right fielder on the baseball team. Voted boy with “Sense of Humor” and “IF I could … laugh like Bus Moore.”
Howard graduated from Kemper Military School in May, 1943. He enlisted in the navy V-12 program in June and received his appointment to the academy from Congressman William H. Wheat. Since December, he served as apprentice seaman in V-12 at Indiana State Teachers College, Terre Haute, Indiana, and Denison University in Ohio.
Related Articles
Ralph Rodgers '48 and George Jeffries, Jr. '48 were also in 23rd Company.

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