Hugh Van Roosen '42
Lucky Bag
From the 1942 Lucky Bag:
Newton Center, Massachusetts
From his beloved New England, Van comes as the youngest man in '42. He loves to argue and his clever observations, biting sarcasm and fluency make him an able opponent for anyone. The time he takes from his extensive writing he spends on football, squash or fencing. Ever since Plebe year he has been dreaming of the subs and if a natural leadership and responsibility count, soon he'll be taking his own craft down to periscope depth.
Fencing 4, 3, 1, f42t: Trident 4, 3, Secretary 2, 1; BoatCl/tb4, 3, 2, 1: Orchestra 4; 1 Stripe.
The Class of 1942 graduated on December 19, 1941, less than two weeks after the United States entered World War II. The class had previously been scheduled to graduate in February 1942.

Newton Center, Massachusetts
From his beloved New England, Van comes as the youngest man in '42. He loves to argue and his clever observations, biting sarcasm and fluency make him an able opponent for anyone. The time he takes from his extensive writing he spends on football, squash or fencing. Ever since Plebe year he has been dreaming of the subs and if a natural leadership and responsibility count, soon he'll be taking his own craft down to periscope depth.
Fencing 4, 3, 1, f42t: Trident 4, 3, Secretary 2, 1; BoatCl/tb4, 3, 2, 1: Orchestra 4; 1 Stripe.
The Class of 1942 graduated on December 19, 1941, less than two weeks after the United States entered World War II. The class had previously been scheduled to graduate in February 1942.
Hugh was lost when USS Triton (SS 201) was sunk by Japanese destroyers on March 15, 1943.
Other Information
From researcher Kathy Franz:
Hugh graduated from Newton High School in 1938. Van; Certificate; Weeks; Exeter, U. S. Naval Academy; Debating, 2; Math Club, 3, 4; National Honor Society, 3, 4; Lunchroom Squad, 3, 4; Drama Club, 4; Executive Board, 4; Cavalry Club, 4; Scholarship Roll, 2, 3, 4; Drama Club Pageant, 4; Ski Team, 3, 4, Captain, 4; Newtonian Board, Editor of Histories, 4; Orange Book, 4; To continue happy in the ignorance of youth.
Hugh was nominated to the Naval Academy by Congressman Robert Luce. Hugh passed his entrance examinations the day before his 16th birthday.
His brother 1st Lt. Donald C. Van Roosen, four times wounded in France and Germany, was decorated for heroism with both Silver and Bronze Stars, before being captured by the Nazis at Brest. He did survive the war. Their father was Hugo.
From the Boston Globe, June 24, 1937 via researcher Kathy Franz:
Hugh Van Roosen, 15, of 44 Grafton St, Newton, an Eagle scout, was awarded a check for $153 at the Capitol Theatre on Commonwealth Ave, Allston, last night for his essay on “The Plainsman,” a talkie in which Gary Cooper was the star.
At the time the picture was released, Paramount offered prizes to the Boy Scouts who would write the best essay on the picture in certain districts, one of which was New England.
Van Roosen won the award and was presented the check last night by Thomas F. Wall, manager of the Capitol Theatre. The money will enable Van Roosen to attend the National Jamboree of the Boy Scouts at Washington in July. He also plans to attend the World Jamboree in Holland during August and September.
Van Roosen’s scoutmaster is William Nesbith. Also on the stage at the time of the presentation of the check was William Fawcett president of Norumbega Council, Boy Scouts of America.
His mother was listed as next of kin. He is listed at the Manila American Cemetery and Memorial; he also has a memory marker in Massachusetts.
Silver Star
From Hall of Valor:
(Citation Needed) - SYNOPSIS: Lieutenant, Junior Grade Hugh C. Van Roosen (NSN: 0-123335), United States Navy, was awarded the Silver Star for gallantry in action while serving aboard a United States Submarine during war patrols in enemy-controlled waters during World War II. His gallant actions and dedicated devotion to duty, without regard for his own life, were in keeping with the highest traditions of military service and reflect great credit upon himself and the United States Naval Service.
General Orders: American Battle Monuments Commission
Action Date: World War II
Service: Navy
Division: United States Navy Submarine (SS)
From Hall of Valor:
The President of the United States of America takes pleasure in presenting the Navy and Marine Corps Medal to Lieutenant, Junior Grade Hugh C. Van Roosen (NSN: 0-123335), United States Navy, for heroic conduct as Officer-of-the-Deck of a United States submarine during a highly successful war patrol during World War II. He displayed resourcefulness and initiative in conning his vessel to a favorable position which enabled it to deliver a fatal attack upon a 1,635-ton enemy submarine, which Lieutenant, Junior Grade Van Roosen had sighted.
General Orders: Bureau of Naval Personnel Information Bulletin No. 316 (July 1943)
Action Date: 1942
Service: Navy
Rank: Lieutenant Junior Grade
Division: United States Submarine
Memorial Hall Error
Hugh's last name appears as VANROOSEN in Memorial Hall; in all other documentation it is spelled with a space as VAN ROOSEN.

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