James Stubbs, III '51
Lucky Bag
From the 1951 Lucky Bag:
James Edwin Stubbs, III
Colorado Springs, Colorado
Jim's main interest on entering the academy was football, but somehow he ended up pulling an oar . . . what the football team lost the crew squad gained, as "Bear" has never been out-worked . . . wherever he may be we know that his heart is on a ranch in Colorado ... if you are ever pressed for time, keep him from starting one of his "short" jokes . . . they are apt to last an hour . . . his penchant for practical jokes is well known . . . ask the mate of the deck who came back from a trip down the deck and found his desk missing ... or ask the roommate who came in just before taps and found a laundry basket where his bed usually stood.

James Edwin Stubbs, III
Colorado Springs, Colorado
Jim's main interest on entering the academy was football, but somehow he ended up pulling an oar . . . what the football team lost the crew squad gained, as "Bear" has never been out-worked . . . wherever he may be we know that his heart is on a ranch in Colorado ... if you are ever pressed for time, keep him from starting one of his "short" jokes . . . they are apt to last an hour . . . his penchant for practical jokes is well known . . . ask the mate of the deck who came back from a trip down the deck and found his desk missing ... or ask the roommate who came in just before taps and found a laundry basket where his bed usually stood.
Bear was lost when his training plane crashed near Milton, Florida, on June 25, 1952.
Other Information
From researcher Kathy Franz:
James was born in Nebraska.
His father was a farmer who became a member of the Colorado House of Representatives. He fell asleep while driving and died in a crash near Pueblo on March 13, 1947. His mother was Gladys, and his brothers were A. Douglas and George Richard.
James was survived by his wife, mother, and brother. (Information from September 1952 issue of Shipmate.)
He is buried in Colorado.

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