James Laramore '51
Lucky Bag
From the 1951 Lucky Bag:
James Moss Laramore
Texarkana, Texas
The Sarge came to us from Texas after a hitch in the Marine Corps . . . his biggest asset is his sense of humor and accompanying smile ... he enjoyed female companionship . . . had more girl friends than any of his buddies . . . one of the Navy's matmen, he spent his share of the time in the gym . . . kept his grease high but did not go around letting everyone know it . . . the planes are handy to get home on but only way to travel is by motorcycle . . . never got his stars but kept above 2.5 without much strain . . . doesn't believe the big blue sea is what it is cracked up to be, so upon graduation it's back to the Corps.

James Moss Laramore
Texarkana, Texas
The Sarge came to us from Texas after a hitch in the Marine Corps . . . his biggest asset is his sense of humor and accompanying smile ... he enjoyed female companionship . . . had more girl friends than any of his buddies . . . one of the Navy's matmen, he spent his share of the time in the gym . . . kept his grease high but did not go around letting everyone know it . . . the planes are handy to get home on but only way to travel is by motorcycle . . . never got his stars but kept above 2.5 without much strain . . . doesn't believe the big blue sea is what it is cracked up to be, so upon graduation it's back to the Corps.
James was killed in action on October 25, 1952 while leading a patrol in Chaugdon, Korea. He was a platoon commander in Company C, 1st Battalion, 5th Marines.
From the command diary of the 1st Battalion, 5th Marines:
A reconnaissance patrol of "C" Company which was traversing the ridge trail to Bunker Hill during the afternoon was hit at CT 017038 by an enemy 57mm recoilless rifle, and 82mm and 60mm mortar tire. The patrol was pinned down; help was sent from the company MLR, and smoke was fired to screen the evacuation. Fire was brought on the enemy weapons by friendly mortars and tanks. The relief patrol brought in the wounded, and also suffered some slight casualties. Another fire team went out and recovered the body of tha patrol leader.
Other Information
From researcher Kathy Franz:
James attended Texas High School in 1942 and was a member of the Choral Club men’s quartet.
His father William was a barber, mother Hazel, sister Martha Sue, and brothers William, Charles, John and Carroll.
From Find A Grave:
Second Lieutenant Laramore was awarded the Purple Heart, the Combat Action Ribbon, the Korean Service Medal, the United Nations Service Medal, the National Defense Service Medal, the Korean Presidential Unit Citation and the Republic of Korea War Service Medal.
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