John Hackett '52
Lucky Bag
From the 1952 Lucky Bag:
John Joseph Hackett
Ardsley, New York
A sense of humor and pleasant disposition made John a nice guy to have around. Leaving Fordham University to give the Marine Corps the benefit of his services, he spent over two years with the Leathernecks before entering Navy's halls. A staunch defender of the decorous things of life, John maintained his dignity and high ideals but always managed to be in on the good times. An ardent tennis player and an avid reader, he also found time for dragging. Able, conscientious, and having a confidence in himself that is shared by his many friends, John assures the Fleet of receiving a fine officer.

John Joseph Hackett
Ardsley, New York
A sense of humor and pleasant disposition made John a nice guy to have around. Leaving Fordham University to give the Marine Corps the benefit of his services, he spent over two years with the Leathernecks before entering Navy's halls. A staunch defender of the decorous things of life, John maintained his dignity and high ideals but always managed to be in on the good times. An ardent tennis player and an avid reader, he also found time for dragging. Able, conscientious, and having a confidence in himself that is shared by his many friends, John assures the Fleet of receiving a fine officer.
John was lost in an explosion aboard USS Pomodon (SS 486) on February 20, 1955, in San Francisco Naval Shipyard. Four others were also killed.
Other Information
From researcher Kathy Franz:
Known as “Jack,” he graduated from Ardsley High School in 1945. Honor Society 9 years; Class President ’41, ’43; Class Vice-president ’42; Vice-president Honor Society ’45; Third Degree ’45; J.V. Basketball ’43; Baseball ’43; French Club ’41, ‘42’ Asst. Editor 1944 ARDSLEYAN; Student Council ’41, ’42, ’43; Band & Orchestra ’41, ’42, ’43; Ballad for Americans ’41; Interclass Basketball ’41-’42; Softball ’44.
John's father was in ad sales in the Bronx and died before 1940. John's mother was Elizabeth, and in 1940, she was also working in ad sales in Ardsley. His brother was Hugh who also graduated from Ardsley High School in 1948. He died in 2018.
He was survived by his wife, Sylvia Marilyn Hackett, and is buried in California.

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