From USNA Virtual Memorial Hall
Michael Moushey '52

Date of birth: June 26, 1929

Date of death: November 8, 1954

Age: 25

Lucky Bag

From the 1952 Lucky Bag:

1952 Moushey LB.jpg

Michael Clarence Moushey

Shaker Heights, Ohio

With a year at St. Louis U. tucked under his belt, Mickey trekked eastward to enter the renowned Naval Academy. He soon found Navy life much to his liking and became proficient in the fields of academics, dragging, sports and playing the ukulele. Clarence's gifted charm with the opposite sex kept his class crest well on the move. "Moosh" found no troubles with studies and was, as a result, a star man. In fact, due to his generous help, more than one man remained sat. At heart the call of the wild blue yonder beckoned him. Although Mike may not be the first pilot to reach the moon, you can bet he'll surely be one of 'em.

He was also a member of the 2nd Regimental staff (3rd set) and the 13th Company staff (1st set).

1952 Moushey LB.jpg

Michael Clarence Moushey

Shaker Heights, Ohio

With a year at St. Louis U. tucked under his belt, Mickey trekked eastward to enter the renowned Naval Academy. He soon found Navy life much to his liking and became proficient in the fields of academics, dragging, sports and playing the ukulele. Clarence's gifted charm with the opposite sex kept his class crest well on the move. "Moosh" found no troubles with studies and was, as a result, a star man. In fact, due to his generous help, more than one man remained sat. At heart the call of the wild blue yonder beckoned him. Although Mike may not be the first pilot to reach the moon, you can bet he'll surely be one of 'em.

He was also a member of the 2nd Regimental staff (3rd set) and the 13th Company staff (1st set).


Michael was lost on November 8, 1954 when the plane he was piloting crashed during landing at Jacksonville, Florida.

Other Information

From Wikitree:

Lt. (Jg.) Michael Moushey Killed in Landing Accident at Jacksonville, Fla., "Navy Lt. (jg) Michael Clarence Moushey, former St. Louisan, was killed Monday when a plane he was piloting crashed on landing at a field in Jacksonville, Fla., relatives here were informed yesterday. Moushey, a graduate of Chaminade College High School, attended St. Louis University's college of arts and sciences for one year before he was appointed to the Naval Academy at Annapolis, MD., in 1948. At the time, he lived at 4626 Rosa Avenue, with his mother, now Mrs. James W. Irwin of Chicago. Irwin, a public relations counselor, is a former St. Louisan. Lt. Moushey, 25 years old, received his wings at Corpus Christi, Tex., last June, following his graduation from Annapolis two years ago. He had been stationed at Jacksonville since August and was training to be a jet pilot. Surviving, besides his mother, are his wife, Mrs. Sally Moushey; a daughter, Lois Ann, and a brother, William C. Moushey of Buffalo, N.Y. Burial will be Friday in the National Cemetery at Arlington, Va. St. Louis Post-Dispatch, Wednesday, November 10, 1954, page 3.

His father James died several days before he was born. Michael married Sally Jane Keller after graduation at the Naval Academy.

He is buried in Arlington National Cemetery.

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Class of 1952

Michael is one of 50 members of the Class of 1952 on Virtual Memorial Hall.

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