From USNA Virtual Memorial Hall
Michael Burns '64

Date of birth: February 21, 1942

Date of death: March 29, 1967

Age: 25

Lucky Bag

From the 1964 Lucky Bag:

1964 Burns LB.jpg


New York


14th Company

Mike left New York City for a year at Columbian Prep before coming to Tecumseh Tech. Having lettered in football in high school, Plebe year found him excelling in football and wrestling. The football team benefited greatly from his blocking and tackling and it was impossible to find a more aggressive, hard-working guy, both off and on the field. Going by various nicknames, Mike could always be found wherever a study hour party was in progress. A career in Navy Air awaits Mike after graduation. He certainly will be a welcome addition to the ranks of the "plane drivers." We all wish "Locker," the very best of luck and happy landings.

1964 Burns LB.jpg


New York


14th Company

Mike left New York City for a year at Columbian Prep before coming to Tecumseh Tech. Having lettered in football in high school, Plebe year found him excelling in football and wrestling. The football team benefited greatly from his blocking and tackling and it was impossible to find a more aggressive, hard-working guy, both off and on the field. Going by various nicknames, Mike could always be found wherever a study hour party was in progress. A career in Navy Air awaits Mike after graduation. He certainly will be a welcome addition to the ranks of the "plane drivers." We all wish "Locker," the very best of luck and happy landings.


Michael was lost on March 29, 1967 when the helicopter he was co-piloting crashed off the coast of Rhode Island.

Other Information

From the May 1967 issue of Shipmate:

Lt.(jg) Michael F. Burns, USN, died on 29 March when the helicopter he was co-piloting crashed in the Atlantic Ocean following a takeoff from the carrier Essex off Quonset Point, R. I. Services for him and the two other men killed in the training accident were held at the Quonset Point Naval Air Station Chapel on 1 April. Interment with military honors was held for Lt. Burns in Arlington National Cemetery.

Lt. Burns, who was born in Mineola, N. Y., was graduated from the Naval Academy in 1964. As a midshipman he played tackle on the football team. He was assigned to a training squadron at Ellyson Field, Pensacola, where he received his wings in February 1966. While at Pensacola he played football with the base football team, the Goshawks.

He was assigned to Helicopter Antisubmarine Squadron 9 as a helicopter pilot at Quonset Point, and last October was sent to the Ascension Islands to participate in a practice recovery of an American space capsule. He received a citation for his participation.

Survivors include his widow, Mrs. Patricia McClary Burns, and a young son, Michael Francis Burns III; his parents; a brother, Brian, and three sisters: Mrs. Gwendilyn Sturzenberger, Mrs. Gail Plafcan, and Susan Burns.

Mike is buried in Arlington National Cemetery.


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Class of 1964

Michael is one of 25 members of the Class of 1964 on Virtual Memorial Hall.

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