Neil Armstrong, III '50
Lucky Bag
From the 1950 Lucky Bag:
Chalmette, Louisiana
From the land of the bayou, this sandblower came to the Blue and Gold after serving time at Holy Cross and Tulane. Characteristically industrious, he found little difficulty with academics and turned to his much-loved dinghy sailing for the major part of his recreation. He learned to love the spectators' sports after becoming a veteran in PT extra-instruction. That good humor and cherubic countenance appealed not only to his classmates, but to his ever-growing list of feminine admirers. His main ambition is to become a good line officer, which appears a foregone conclusion to those who knew him.

Chalmette, Louisiana
From the land of the bayou, this sandblower came to the Blue and Gold after serving time at Holy Cross and Tulane. Characteristically industrious, he found little difficulty with academics and turned to his much-loved dinghy sailing for the major part of his recreation. He learned to love the spectators' sports after becoming a veteran in PT extra-instruction. That good humor and cherubic countenance appealed not only to his classmates, but to his ever-growing list of feminine admirers. His main ambition is to become a good line officer, which appears a foregone conclusion to those who knew him.
From the now-defunct website USNA 1950:
Neil requested flight training after graduation, and later was killed in a mid-air collision at Corpus Christi, TX [on February 18, 1952].
Five others were also killed; the collision occurred over Rockport, Texas.
Other Information
From researcher Kathy Franz:
At Tulane, he was studying engineering and was a member of Sigma Alpha Epsilon, the yearbook “Jambalaya” and the Newman Club. In 1946, he was in Company Seven, First Platoon.
He was survived by his wife, the former Elizabeth Ann Ayers, whom he married on October 6, 1951. In 1940, his father Neil was an attorney, mother Ursula, sister Ursula, and his grandparents Neil and Clara.
He is buried in Louisiana.
Related Articles
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