William Morris, III '66
Lucky Bag
From the 1966 Lucky Bag:
Mobile, Alabama
Bill entered the Naval Academy after graduating from University Military School in Mobile, Alabama. A true Alabama man, his gentlemanly southern nature is readily apparent. From reveille to taps, he could be counted on for a good natured conversation or an argument. Bill's interest in athletics was over at Hubbard Hall where he went almost every afternoon rowing on the varsity lightweight crew. Bill was a good student and kept a good academic record. He took several overloads in Russian, his major field of interest, in addition to being a member of the Russian Club. Bill is a capable man of hard, quiet determination and he will be a credit to the Naval Service.

Mobile, Alabama
Bill entered the Naval Academy after graduating from University Military School in Mobile, Alabama. A true Alabama man, his gentlemanly southern nature is readily apparent. From reveille to taps, he could be counted on for a good natured conversation or an argument. Bill's interest in athletics was over at Hubbard Hall where he went almost every afternoon rowing on the varsity lightweight crew. Bill was a good student and kept a good academic record. He took several overloads in Russian, his major field of interest, in addition to being a member of the Russian Club. Bill is a capable man of hard, quiet determination and he will be a credit to the Naval Service.
Bill was killed by small arms fire while XO of DET 5 VUNG RO BAY, IUWG-1, TF 115, USNAVFORV. His tour began April 4, 1968. "IUWG" is Inshore Undersea Warfare Group; their mission was to "conduct harbor patrols and surveillance operations as directed in order to protect friendly shipping and military vessels within the assigned harbors from attack by enemy sneak craft, swimmers, sabotage and other threats."
From the September-October 1968 issue of Shipmate:
Lt. (jg) William T. Morris, III,USN, was killed in action 6 June at Vung Ro, South Vietnam. Services were held at the Hyde Park Presbyterian Church, Tampa, Fla., with interment in Woodlawn Cemetery with full military honors.
Lt. Morris, who was born in Tampa, graduated from the University Military School at Mobile, Ala., before entering the Naval Academy. Prior to graduating in 1966 he received varsity letters in crew. He served in USS MASSEY which was involved inthe Arab-Israeli conflict in the Mediterranean when USS Liberty was attacked off the Egyptian coast. In March he was assigned to the Naval Support Facility at Cam Ranh Bay and had been in Vietnam since April.
Surviving are his parents, Mr. and Mrs. William T. Morris, Jr.; a brother, Frederick A. Morris, 2nd; a sister. Miss Ann Morris, all of 67 Toquam Road, New Canaan, Ct. 06840; a grandmother, Mrs. Jane B. Anderson of Tampa. His father is a vice president in the New York office of Lykes Brothers Steamship Company who served as a commander in the Navy during World War II and in the Korean conflict.
He is buried in Florida.
I am still looking for any info on Bill's sister Ann Morris. Last known address was in CT.
Thank you,
Peggy Adams DePrisco PDEPRISCO@GMAIL.COM, 2/21/16
Bill and I dated and I was honored to join him for June week 1966 at the United States Naval Academy in Annapolis Md. I am desperate to locate his sister Anne Morris from Mobile Al. Anyone that can help please contact me. Thank You so much .
To LTJG William T. Morris lll
Grew up with Bill and his sister Ann-in Mobile, Al.
KIA-Vietnam-1968Thanks Bill for your supreme sacrifice. "Greater love hath no man, than that he lay down his life for another."
He that believeth in me; though he were dead-yet shall he live.
LtCol Ridge Marriott
5th Special Forces Group-{MACVSOG}
Vietnam {1971-1972} LT COL RIDGE MARRIOTT, BOYKINS@MSN.COM, 2/5/15
I served under Ltjg Morris in Vung Ro Bay, Vietnam in 1968. He was Unit-5's Executive Officer. We now have a web site dedicated to the memory of those who served and died in Vung Ro, where Ltjg Morris was stationed. The site is: www.geocities.com/Pentagon/Barracks/9930/VUNGROBAY.html
Please visit the site to learn about "life" in Vung Ro Bay in 1968.
My name: Larry Dunham SM3 USN
IUWG-1 Unit-5 Westpacdet
Vung Ro Bay, RVN
Jan. 1968 - Dec. 1968 LARRY DUNHAM, SLDTX@SWBELL.NET, 9/5/99
Note: site cited above was defunct when checked on December 21, 2016.

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