Olympic Athlete

From USNA Virtual Memorial Hall

1920 Calnan LB.jpg
George Calnan
Class of 1920

Lieutenant, US Navy

Boston, Massachusetts

April 4, 1933 (33 years old)

Operational loss, Airship, Olympic Athlete, USS Akron (ZRS 4)

1922 Curtis LB.jpg
Edward Curtis, Jr.
Class of 1922

Lieutenant, US Navy

New Orleans, Louisiana

November 18, 1926 (27 years old)

Operational loss, Olympic Athlete, Fixed Wing

1922 Frawley LB.jpg
Edward Frawley
Class of 1922

Lieutenant (j.g.), US Navy

Fulton, New York

October 28, 1927 (27 years old)

Operational loss, Olympic Athlete, Fixed Wing

1923 Bolles LB.jpg
Harry Bolles
Class of 1923

Commander, US Navy

Seattle, Washington

July 18, 1943 (44 years old)

Legion of Merit, Operational loss, Olympic Athlete, Fixed Wing

1926 Edwards LB.jpg
Heywood Edwards
Class of 1926

Lieutenant Commander, US Navy

San Saba, Texas

October 31, 1941 (35 years old)

KIA, WWII, Battle of the Atlantic, Olympic Athlete, USS Reuben James (DD 245), Ship Namesake, Ship

1936 Patterson LB.jpg
Joseph Patterson
Class of 1936

Lieutenant (j.g.), US Navy

Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

May 23, 1939 (26 years old)

Operational loss, Olympic Athlete, USS Squalus (SS 192), Submarine, USNA 4th Company

1948 Fletcher LB.jpg
John Fletcher, II
Class of 1948

Lieutenant, US Navy

Warren, Rhode Island

September 29, 1953 (26 years old)

Operational loss, Olympic Athlete, Fixed Wing, Family, USNA 16th Company