Lucien Borden '52
Lucky Bag
From the 1952 Lucky Bag:
Lucien Peter Borden
Colorado Springs, Colorado
L. P. entered Bancroft's halls with an eager look, a brightly polished Eagle Scout ring, and two volumes of high school photographs gripped under his right arm. It is said that Pete's three day routine was spent papering his locker door with pictures of the fair and innocent of fabulous Colorado Springs. The OAO, however, always stood number one in Don Borden's little black book. Since he lived from one leave to the next, our hero paid little heed to the multitude of academics which filled the void in between but he managed to terrorize the Math Department by scoring several near misses on their unattainable 4.0 exam grade. He will have many friends in the Navy.
He was also a member of the 1st Regimental Staff (2nd set).

Lucien Peter Borden
Colorado Springs, Colorado
L. P. entered Bancroft's halls with an eager look, a brightly polished Eagle Scout ring, and two volumes of high school photographs gripped under his right arm. It is said that Pete's three day routine was spent papering his locker door with pictures of the fair and innocent of fabulous Colorado Springs. The OAO, however, always stood number one in Don Borden's little black book. Since he lived from one leave to the next, our hero paid little heed to the multitude of academics which filled the void in between but he managed to terrorize the Math Department by scoring several near misses on their unattainable 4.0 exam grade. He will have many friends in the Navy.
He was also a member of the 1st Regimental Staff (2nd set).
L.P. was lost when the F2H Banshee jet he was piloting crashed while taking off from Fallon Air Force Base, Nevada, on June 30, 1955.
Other Information
From researcher Kathy Franz:
Lucien graduated from Colorado Springs High School in 1946 participating in the Debate Club and the 9:30 Club. In October 1947, per the Daily Sentinel newspaper, he participated as a speaker at the dinner gathering of western Colorado community leaders at the LaCourt hotel in Grand Junction, Colorado. He had attended the 1947 Boy Scout World Jamboree and said that one of the most important things the Scouts learned at the jamboree near Paris was that “all boys are really alike in the respect that they enjoy scouting and that boys and adults can get along together.” He also gave a diary of the preparations for the trip, the voyage, the jamboree, and the voyage home. Lucien also spoke earlier that day at the combined Kiwanis and Lions club meeting. Rear Admiral Paul Hendren also spoke at this meeting.
In 1940 his father Clarence was a wholesale food dealer, mother Gertrude, and sister Elizabeth.
He was survived by his wife, Jeanne; though she remarried, they are buried together in Arlington National Cemetery.
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