Robert Allison '52
Lucky Bag
From the 1952 Lucky Bag:
Robert Clem Allison
Robinson, Illinois
After high school Al enlisted in the Navy and came to the Naval Academy via NAPS, in Bainbridge, Maryland. Outstanding from the beginning, his leadership qualities were realized when he was elected class treasurer during his youngster year, and class secretary second class year. He was also one of those lucky few who could participate in athletics the year 'round and still have no trouble with academics. During his plebe year, he made first string in football, basketball, and track; then repeated in all three on the varsity. We all know that he will have the same kind of success in the Fleet that he had at Navy Tech.
He was also captain of the track team, an officer of the Varsity ’N’ club, a member of the Wardroom Panel, a member of the 2nd Company staff, and recipient of an “E Award.”

Robert Clem Allison
Robinson, Illinois
After high school Al enlisted in the Navy and came to the Naval Academy via NAPS, in Bainbridge, Maryland. Outstanding from the beginning, his leadership qualities were realized when he was elected class treasurer during his youngster year, and class secretary second class year. He was also one of those lucky few who could participate in athletics the year 'round and still have no trouble with academics. During his plebe year, he made first string in football, basketball, and track; then repeated in all three on the varsity. We all know that he will have the same kind of success in the Fleet that he had at Navy Tech.
He was also captain of the track team, an officer of the Varsity ’N’ club, a member of the Wardroom Panel, a member of the 2nd Company staff, and recipient of an “E Award.”
From Patriot Guard:
LTJG Robert Clem Allison, 29 of Robinson, Illinois lost his life at 4 PM on Thursday, August 11, 1955 of injuries sustained when his Banshee F2H4 Phantom jet aircraft crashed into a cypress swamp approximately 12 miles East of Perry, Florida. LTJG Allison was returning from Pensacola NAS to his home station of Cecil Field, Squadron 11, Jacksonville, Florida when he encountered a catastrophic in-flight emergency requiring him to immediately land his aircraft. LTJG Allison was successful in landing his aircraft on a stretch of Highway 27 but then encountered on coming vehicle traffic. With only seconds before impact, LTJG Allison sacrificed his life by pulling up, barely missing a log truck & diverting his aircraft into a swamp on the South side of the highway where he was instantly killed. LTJG Allison's sacrificed his life to save at least two others immediately in oncoming traffic and untold generations to come. One life saved that day was one of our own locals, Don L. Whitfield.
LTJG Robert C. Allison entered the Navy in 1946 after graduating high school and served 18 months on the heavy cruiser USS Bremerton during the Korean War. He was commissioned in 1952 upon graduating from the United States Naval Academy and began pilot training in January 1954 at Pensacola NAS.
There is a memorial marker at the spot, next to Highway 27, where he crashed. There is also a Facebook page dedicated to his memory. He is buried in Illinois.
He placed 5th in the javelin throw of the 1952 Olympic Trials.
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Thomas Bakke ’52 was also an officer of the Varsity ’N’ Club.
Harold Hicks, Jr. ’52 was also a member of the Wardroom Panel.
John O'Grady '52, Frederic Davis '52, Raymond Tacke '52, Charles Andrews, III '52, and John Ellison '52 were also on the track team.

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