James Henry, Jr. '60
Lucky Bag
From the 1960 Lucky Bag:
Brooklyn, New York
Jim — the mystery man — where did the boy from Brooklyn get a southern drawl? A hot man with the books, Jim was always quick to help any one, classmate or plebe. He was a faithful plodder in sports. Four years out of the money in company steeplechase, and still running. He was also a battalion keggler and company sailor. Jim is well remembered as one of the worst baritones in Naval Academy history. Ambitious to be a triple threat, he wants to go Line after graduation, and try both Air and submarines later.

Brooklyn, New York
Jim — the mystery man — where did the boy from Brooklyn get a southern drawl? A hot man with the books, Jim was always quick to help any one, classmate or plebe. He was a faithful plodder in sports. Four years out of the money in company steeplechase, and still running. He was also a battalion keggler and company sailor. Jim is well remembered as one of the worst baritones in Naval Academy history. Ambitious to be a triple threat, he wants to go Line after graduation, and try both Air and submarines later.
James was lost on April 10, 1963 when USS Thresher (SSN 593) sank during testing about 220 miles east of Cape Code, Massachusetts.
Other Information
From USS Thresher Memorial:
James John Henry, Jr., was born in Brooklyn, New York, on October 14, 1938. He spent his early boyhood in Brooklyn, and attended St. Vincent Ferrer Grammar School and Regis High School, where he was graduated, second in his class, in June 1956.
He was awarded a U.S. Naval Reserve Officers' Training Corps scholarship to Cornell University, and two additional scholarships from the Knights of Columbus Society, and the New York State Regents. However, James received an appointment to the U.S. Naval Academy at Annapolis. While undergoing training there, he was a member of the Newman Club and Altar Boy Society and was executive officer of Fourth Company, first class year, fall and spring midshipmen staffs. James was first in the departments of English, history and government, and also lead in his leadership class. He had been awarded a proficiency award in boat handling.
Graduating with a class of 1960, James was recommended as an instructor in science, weapons, English, history, and government, and as translator of French.
He volunteered for submarine duty and upon being accepted, he attended the officers' basic course at the Submarine School, U.S. Naval Submarine base, New London, Connecticut. Successfully completing the course, he was selected for advanced training in nuclear power. After a 1-year-long course of instruction, James was assigned to his first submarine USS Thresher (SSN 593) in November 1961.
He is survived by his parents, Col. James John Henry, USAR , Mrs. James John Henry of Brooklyn, New York.
James has a memory marker in Arlington National Cemetery.
From USNA '60 Memorial Site:
I went through Sub School with Jim Henry in 1962. He was one of the brightest guys I ever met - a complete slash. During that time we both received orders to USS Thresher (SSN 593). For some reason - never known to me - my orders were changed just before we graduated from Sub School and I was sent instead to USS Permit (SSN 594). Jim, of course, went to Thresher and was among those lost when the ship went down with all hands during sea trials in April 1963. I have often wondered what fate decided our assignments and have had a special place in my memories for Jim. Dave Parkinson, 11th Co
In April 1963, I picked up a copy of the New York News and there on the front page was a picture of Jim Henry and Ron Babcock who were listed as officers of the ill-fated USS Thresher. It seemed rather ironic as I reflected over the years past and my reflections of Jim. Jim Henry, Ron Babcock and I met in the summer of 1956 when we were on the "Sub Squad" together because we did not know how to swim. As Plebes, he and I were close friends. If we had a few precious free minutes on the weekend we would take in a movie together or go to see what was docked at the pier. I had a great love for submarines and never missed the opportunity to tour one. On more than one occasion, I asked Jim to go with me to visit on the subs, and he declined, saying that he did not really care for subs. I think it must have been Jim’s great intellectual interest in physics that swayed him to volunteer for sub service. Anonymous, 4th Co 30th Year Book
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