Ronald Babcock '60
Lucky Bag
From the 1960 Lucky Bag:
Ord, Nebraska
Arriving at the Academy right out of high school, Ron was determined to continue his football career — first on the plebe team and then as a standout at fullback with the battalion eleven. An all-around athlete, this Nebraska boy also participated in battalion track and company softball. Academics came easy to this blonde lad, and he always maintained high grades, even though he spent a large part of study hour playing cards or reading some pocket novel. Always ready, either to help his classmates with their studies or to join them in their social endeavors, Ron was a valuable asset to the big Thirteenth.
He was also a member of the 2nd Battalion staff (winter).

Ord, Nebraska
Arriving at the Academy right out of high school, Ron was determined to continue his football career — first on the plebe team and then as a standout at fullback with the battalion eleven. An all-around athlete, this Nebraska boy also participated in battalion track and company softball. Academics came easy to this blonde lad, and he always maintained high grades, even though he spent a large part of study hour playing cards or reading some pocket novel. Always ready, either to help his classmates with their studies or to join them in their social endeavors, Ron was a valuable asset to the big Thirteenth.
He was also a member of the 2nd Battalion staff (winter).
Ronald was lost on April 10, 1963 when USS Thresher (SSN 593) sank during testing about 220 miles east of Cape Code, Massachusetts.
Other Information
From USS Thresher Memorial:
Ronald Clare Babcock was born on March 6, 1938, in Fullerton, Nebraska. In 1942, the family moved to a farm in Valley County, Nebraska, and it was in this community that he spent his early boyhood. He attended district 42 school, a one-room schoolhouse, for 8 years. Ronald attended Ord High School at Ord, Nebraska, where he participated in sports, was a member of the school band, and on the staff of the yearbook. Ronald received statewide recognition for his football ability, and was captain of the team during his senior year. He was president of his junior class and a member of the National Honor Society, of which he was president, during his senior year. In 1956, Ronald was valedictorian of his graduating class, and received a scholarship from the University of Nebraska.
Entering the U.S. Naval Academy at Annapolis, in June 1956, he was graduated with the class of June, 1960. Ronald volunteered for submarine duty, and was enrolled in the Submarine School at the U.S. Naval Submarine Base, New London, Connecticut. Successfully completing the basic course, he was then selected for advance training in nuclear power and after completing the one-year course, he was assigned to the USS Thresher (SSN 593), in March 1962.
Ronald was married to the former Martha Elizabeth Robertson of Rockville, Md. He is also survived by his parents, Gilvert Scott and Arduce Leone Babcock of Lincoln, Nebraska; a sister, Barbara Gail; and his maternal grandmother, Mrs. Pearle Stevens of Fullerton, Nebraska.
From USNA '60 Memorial Site:
After graduation Ron commenced nuclear submarine training in New London, Ct. in July and upon completion reported aboard USS Thresher (SSN 593). In 1962 he married Martha Robertson of Rockville, MD. Tragically, he was lost, along with classmate Jim Henry, in the sinking of Thresher in April 1963. His daughter, Beth, was born after his death.
Tragedy befell the Class of 1960 with the loss of USS Thresher (SSN 593) on 10 April 1963, for on board were two of our classmates, Ron Babcock and Jim Henry. How it all happened, no one knows, but we do know that we will miss these two competent young sailors of the deep who gave their lives to what General MacArthur calls "the most worthy of causes: service to our country". Shipmate, May 1963
Ronald has a memory marker in Nebraska.
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