John Sweet '64
Lucky Bag
From the 1964 Lucky Bag:
La Canada, California
17th Company
John came to USNA from John Muir High School near his hometown of La Canada, California. He brought with him a love of sailing and during the Fall and Spring seasons, he could be found out on the water every afternoon. John went on the Bermuda and Newport races and skippered the Academy's Yawls during his First and Second class years. During the Winter, he was on the Company fieldball team. The Winter also brought back fond memories of California's warm climate. His love of the sea will enable him to go far in his chosen career.

La Canada, California
17th Company
John came to USNA from John Muir High School near his hometown of La Canada, California. He brought with him a love of sailing and during the Fall and Spring seasons, he could be found out on the water every afternoon. John went on the Bermuda and Newport races and skippered the Academy's Yawls during his First and Second class years. During the Winter, he was on the Company fieldball team. The Winter also brought back fond memories of California's warm climate. His love of the sea will enable him to go far in his chosen career.
John was lost when USS Scorpion (SSN 589) sank on May 22, 1968.
From USS Scorpion (SSN-589) In Memoriam
John Charles Sweet was born December 7, 1942, in Los Angeles, Calif. He attended elementary school in Burbank and LaCanada, Calif., and was graduated from John Muir High School in Pasadena, Calif. While attending high school, he received an award for excellence in debating and was named a National Merit Scholarship semifinalist. In July 1960, he received a congressional appointment to the U.S. Naval Academy. At the Academy he participated in sailing events for three years and collected a number of sailing trophies. He was also on the field ball team.
In September 1964, he reported to the submarine Bluegill as assistant supply officer and commissary officer. He received nuclear propulsion training in Vallejo, Calif., and in Idaho Falls, Idaho, followed by basic submarine training at the Naval Submarine School graduating in June 1966, and reporting to U.S.S. Scorpion shortly thereafter. He served Scorpion as electronics material officer, commissary officer and electrical officer. He wore the National Defense Service Medal.
He is survived by his widow, the former Nancy Olivia Jones of Middletown, R.I., and his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Irving Sweet of LaCanada, Calif.
He has a memorial.
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Gerald Siebe '64 and James Roberts '64 were also in 17th Company.
Francis Slattery '54, David Lloyd '56, Daniel Stephens '59, John Burke '63, Charles Lamberth '63, George Farrin '63, Laughton Smith '65, and Michael Odening '66 were also aboard USS Scorpion (SSN 589) when she was lost with all hands on May 22, 1968.

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