USNA 11th Company

From USNA Virtual Memorial Hall

The company is the most important unit in the Brigade of Midshipmen. Companies eat, sleep, study, drill, and compete together. Comprised of roughly 30-35 midshipmen from each of all four classes, they are led by 1/c Midshipmen. There are currently 30 companies in the Brigade, though this number has ranged from 8 in the late 1920s to 36 from the late 1940s to the late 1990s.

Some classes are in the same company for all four years; there is also "shotgunning" (all midshipmen in a class, usually following plebe year, are moved randomly to a different company) and "rifling" (again usually following plebe year, an entire group would move from one company to another). Even though many alumni were a part of more than one company during their four years at the Naval Academy, the list below is reflective of the company from which they graduated.

1937 Groves LB.jpg
Alexander Groves, II
Class of 1937

Lieutenant (j.g.), US Navy

Webster City, Iowa

August 2, 1940 (24 years old)

Operational loss, Fixed Wing, USNA 11th Company

1937 Harveson LB.jpg
Herold Harveson
Class of 1937

Lieutenant (j.g.), US Navy

Lake Charles, Louisiana

December 7, 1941 (27 years old)

KIA, WWII, Pacific, Pearl Harbor, USS Utah (AG 16), Ship Namesake, Ship, USNA 11th Company

1937 King LB.jpg
John King
Class of 1937

Lieutenant, US Navy

Greensboro, North Carolina

August 15, 1942 (27 years old)

KIA, WWII, Pacific, Scouting Squadron (VS) 72, Fixed Wing, USNA 11th Company

1937 Newell LB.jpg
Fred Newell, Jr.
Class of 1937

Lieutenant (j.g.), US Naval Reserve

Brattleboro, Vermont

January 22, 1945 (29 years old)

Navy Cross, KIA, POW, WWII, Maryann, Oryoku Maru, Pacific, Ship, USNA 11th Company

1938 Ginn LB.jpg
James Ginn
Class of 1938

Lieutenant (j.g.), US Navy

Bayard, Nebraska

December 7, 1941 (27 years old)

KIA, WWII, Cruiser Scouting Squadron (VO) 4, Pacific, Pearl Harbor, Fixed Wing, USNA 11th Company

1938 Woodruff LB.jpg
John Woodruff
Class of 1938

Lieutenant (j.g.), US Navy

Berkeley, California

March 1, 1942 (26 years old)

KIA, WWII, Battle of Sunda Strait, Pacific, USS Houston (CA 30), Ship, USNA 11th Company

1938 Kelley LB.jpg
John Kelley
Class of 1938

Lieutenant Commander, US Navy

Bar Harbor, Maine

November 11, 1943 (27 years old)

Distinguished Flying Cross, KIA, WWII, Fighting Squadron (VF) 33, Pacific, Solomon Islands, Fixed Wing, USNA 11th Company

1938 Sim LB.jpg
Vincent Sim
Class of 1938

Lieutenant Commander, US Navy

Chicago, Illinois

May 6, 1946 (31 years old)

Operational loss, Naval Air Test Center, Fixed Wing, USNA 11th Company

1939 Border LB.jpg
Karl Border
Class of 1939

Lieutenant, US Navy

Long Beach, California

October 11, 1942 (26 years old)

Operational loss, Fixed Wing, USNA 11th Company

1939 Allen LB.jpg
Nelson Allen
Class of 1939

Lieutenant Commander, US Navy

Duluth, Minnesota

November 19, 1943 (27 years old)

Bronze Star, KIA, WWII, Pacific, USS Sculpin (SS 191), Submarine, USNA 11th Company

1939 Shepherd LB.jpg
John Shepherd, III
Class of 1939

Lieutenant Commander, US Navy

Charlottesville, Virginia

March 28, 1945 (28 years old)

Silver Star, Bronze Star, KIA, WWII, Navy and Marine Corps Medal, Pacific, USS Trigger (SS 237), Submarine, USNA 11th Company

1939 LeClare LB.jpg
James Leclare
Class of 1939

Lieutenant, US Naval Reserve

Rochester, New York

May 29, 1944 (28 years old)

Operational loss, Drydock, USNA 11th Company

★ He is not currently listed with his classmates in Memorial Hall.

1939 LeClare LB.jpg James Leclare
Class of 1939
Lieutenant, US Naval Reserve
Operational loss, Drydock, USNA 11th Company

★ He is not currently listed with his classmates in Memorial Hall.

1940 Lomax LB.jpg
Frank Lomax
Class of 1940

Ensign, US Navy

Broken Bow, Nebraska

December 7, 1941 (24 years old)

KIA, WWII, Pacific, Pearl Harbor, USS Arizona (BB 39), Ship, USNA 11th Company

1940 Arnold LB.jpg
Daniel Arnold
Class of 1940

Lieutenant, US Navy

Kansas City, Missouri

September 9, 1943 (25 years old)

KIA, WWII, Pacific, USS Grayling (SS 209), Submarine, USNA 11th Company

1940 Strong LB.jpg
Warren Strong, Jr.
Class of 1940

Lieutenant, US Navy

Plymouth, Massachusetts

December 18, 1943 (25 years old)

Operational loss, Fixed Wing, USNA 11th Company

1940 Preston LB.jpg
James Preston
Class of 1940

Lieutenant Commander, US Navy

Lewisburg, West Virginia

April 16, 1945 (27 years old)

Silver Star, KIA, WWII, Kamikaze, Okinawa, Pacific, USS Bryant (DD 665), Ship, USNA 11th Company

1941 Williamson LB.jpg
William Williamson, Jr.
Class of 1941

Lieutenant (j.g.), US Navy

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

August 24, 1942 (22 years old)

KIA, WWII, Battle of the Eastern Solomons, Pacific, USS Enterprise (CV 6), Ship, USNA 11th Company

1941 Brown, J LB.jpg
Jack Brown
Class of 1941

Lieutenant, US Navy

Tahlequah, Oklahoma

October 29, 1943 (25 years old)

Operational loss, Fixed Wing, USNA 11th Company

1941 Wolter LB.jpg
Robert Wolter, Jr.
Class of 1941

Lieutenant, US Navy

Appleton, Wisconsin

January 9, 1945 (26 years old)

KIA, WWII, Pacific, USS Colorado (BB 45), Fratricide, Ship, USNA 11th Company

1941 Seaman LB.jpg
Bleecker Seaman, Jr.
Class of 1941

Lieutenant, US Navy

Garden City, New York

February 16, 1945 (25 years old)

KIA, WWII, Bombing Fighting Squadron (VBF) 12, Japan, Pacific, Fixed Wing, USNA 11th Company

1941 McPherson LB.jpg
James McPherson
Class of 1941

Lieutenant Commander, US Navy

Vallejo, California

August 13, 1945 (26 years old)

Silver Star, KIA, WWII, Fighting Squadron (VF) 16, Pacific, Fixed Wing, USNA 11th Company

1942 Sadler LB.jpg
Walter Sadler
Class of 1942

Lieutenant, US Navy

Ann Arbor, Michigan

June 14, 1944 (26 years old)

KIA, WWII, Pacific, USS Golet (SS 361), Submarine, USNA 11th Company

1942 Mendenhall LB.jpg
William Mendenhall
Class of 1942

Lieutenant, US Navy

Cleveland Heights, Ohio

May 4, 1945 (25 years old)

KIA, WWII, Pacific, USS Lagarto (SS 371), Submarine, USNA 11th Company

1942 Land LB.jpg
Fort Land
Class of 1942

Lieutenant Commander, US Navy

Atlanta, Georgia

November 22, 1945 (25 years old)

Operational loss, Fighter Squadron (VF) 80, Fixed Wing, USNA 11th Company

1943 Brett LB.jpg
Morgan Brett, Jr.
Class of 1943

Palo Alto, California

July 27, 1946 (25 years old)

USNA 11th Company

1943 Cecil LB.jpg
William Cecil
Class of 1943

Lieutenant, US Navy

Kansas City, Missouri

January 5, 1949 (27 years old)

Operational loss, Fighter Squadron (VF) 191, Fixed Wing, USNA 11th Company

1943 Fossum LB.jpg
Robert Fossum
Class of 1943

Lieutenant Commander, US Navy

Christine, North Dakota

September 1, 1954 (33 years old)

Operational loss, Fighter Squadron (VF) 11, Fixed Wing, USNA 11th Company

1943 Coker LB.jpg
William Coker
Class of 1943

Commander, US Navy

Athens, Texas

October 2, 1958 (38 years old)

Operational loss, Heavy Attack Squadron (VAH) 1, Fixed Wing, USNA 11th Company

★ He is not currently listed with his classmates in Memorial Hall.

1943 Coker LB.jpg William Coker
Class of 1943
Commander, US Navy
Operational loss, Heavy Attack Squadron (VAH) 1, Fixed Wing, USNA 11th Company

★ He is not currently listed with his classmates in Memorial Hall.

1944 Harper LB.jpg
Robert Harper
Class of 1944

Lieutenant (j.g.), US Navy

Creston, Iowa

February 20, 1946 (24 years old)

Operational loss, Advanced Training Unit (ATU) 1, Fixed Wing, USNA 11th Company

1945 Gossett LB.jpg
Calvin Gossett
Class of 1945

Lieutenant (j.g.), US Navy

Sioux City, Iowa

February 16, 1948 (25 years old)

Operational loss, Fixed Wing, USNA 11th Company

1947 McLeod LB.jpg
Murdoch McLeod
Class of 1947

Commander, US Navy

Minneapolis, Minnesota

April 29, 1965 (40 years old)

Operational loss, Naval Air Test Center, Fixed Wing, USNA 11th Company

1948 Goodwin LB.jpg
Hugh Goodwin, Jr.
Class of 1948

Ensign, US Navy

San Francisco, California

August 4, 1949 (25 years old)

Operational loss, Fixed Wing, USNA 11th Company

1948 Harris LB.jpg
Harley Harris, Jr.
Class of 1948

Lieutenant (j.g.), US Navy

Maywood, California

June 28, 1951 (26 years old)

KIA, Korea, Attack Squadron (VA) 55, Fixed Wing, USNA 11th Company

1948 Wick LB.jpg
John Wick
Class of 1948

Lieutenant (j.g.), US Navy

Washington, D.C.

March 22, 1953 (27 years old)

Operational loss, Patrol Squadron (VP) 34, Fixed Wing, USNA 11th Company

1951 Kelley LB.jpg
James Kelley
Class of 1951

Lieutenant (j.g.), US Navy

Mansfield, Ohio

November 13, 1953 (26 years old)

Operational loss, Fighter Squadron (VF) 21, Fixed Wing, USNA 11th Company

1951 Gleason LB.jpg
George Gleason
Class of 1951

Lieutenant (j.g.), US Navy

Sag Harbor, New York

March 31, 1954 (24 years old)

Operational loss, Fighter Squadron (VF) 31, Flight Deck, USNA 11th Company

1951 Richardson LB.jpg
Richard Richardson
Class of 1951

Commander, US Navy

Mt. Rainier, Maryland

January 20, 1966 (36 years old)

Operational loss, Fighter Squadron (VF) 124, Fixed Wing, USNA 11th Company

1952 Billion LB.jpg
Olivier Billion
Class of 1952

Lieutenant (j.g.), US Navy

New Orleans, Louisiana

June 1, 1955 (25 years old)

Operational loss, Fighter Squadron (VF) 144, Fixed Wing, USNA 11th Company

1953 Armstrong LB.jpg
Philip Armstrong, Jr.
Class of 1953

Lieutenant Commander, US Navy

Detroit, Michigan

June 8, 1967 (37 years old)

Navy Cross, KIA, USS Liberty (AGTR 5), Ship, USNA 11th Company

1955 Serex LB.jpg
Henry Serex
Class of 1955

Lieutenant Colonel, US Air Force

New Orleans, Louisiana

April 2, 1972 (40 years old)

KIA, MIA, Vietnam, 42nd Tactical Electronic Warfare Squadron, Fixed Wing, USNA 11th Company

1957 Davis LB.jpg
Philip Davis
Class of 1957

Lieutenant Commander, US Navy

Fitchburg, Massachusetts

October 23, 1967 (32 years old)

Operational loss, USS Ticonderoga (CVA 14), Fixed Wing, USNA 11th Company

1958 Peterson LB.jpg
Carl Peterson
Class of 1958

Lieutenant Commander, US Navy

Bridgeport, Connecticut

April 2, 1969 (32 years old)

Bronze Star, KIA, Vietnam, Patrol River Boat Squadron 57, Riverine, Ship Namesake, USNA 11th Company

1961 Wiley LB.jpg
John Wiley
Class of 1961

Lieutenant, US Navy

Altoona, Pennsylvania

April 10, 1963 (23 years old)

Operational loss, USS Thresher (SSN 593), Submarine, HOFH24, USNA 11th Company

1962 Laws LB.jpg
Richard Laws
Class of 1962

Lieutenant, US Navy

West Sacramento, California

April 3, 1966 (26 years old)

KIA, Vietnam, Fighter Squadron (VF) 24, Fixed Wing, USNA 11th Company

1965 Broms LB.jpg
Edward Broms, Jr.
Class of 1965

Lieutenant Commander, US Navy

Meadville, Pennsylvania

August 1, 1968 (25 years old)

KIA, Vietnam, Attack Squadron (VA) 66, Fixed Wing, USNA 11th Company

1966 Williams LB.jpg
Richard Williams
Class of 1966

Lieutenant, US Navy

Las Vegas, Nevada

June 30, 1969 (25 years old)

Operational loss, Training Squadron (VT) 21, Fixed Wing, USNA 11th Company

1966 Wunsch LB.jpg
Michael Wunsch
Class of 1966

Captain, US Marine Corps

Feasterville, Pennsylvania

July 28, 1969 (25 years old)

Silver Star, KIA, Vietnam, 3rd Tank Battalion, Ground, HOFH24, USNA 11th Company

1966 Buckley LB.jpg
Victor Buckley
Class of 1966

Lieutenant, US Navy

McLean, Virginia

December 16, 1969 (25 years old)

KIA, Vietnam, Light Photographic Squadron (VFP) 63, Fixed Wing, HOFH24, USNA 11th Company

1968 Hirsch LB.jpg
Gary Hirsch
Class of 1968

Lieutenant (j.g.), US Navy

Newark, New Jersey

November 5, 1969 (23 years old)

Operational loss, Training Squadron (VT) 25, Fixed Wing, USNA 11th Company

1988 Daisley LB.jpg
William Daisley, Jr.
Class of 1988

Lieutenant, US Navy

Coudersport, Pennsylvania

March 15, 1993 (27 years old)

Operational loss, Fighter Squadron (VF) 101, Fixed Wing, USNA 11th Company

2001 Miller LB.jpg
Bret Miller
Class of 2001

Lieutenant, US Navy

East Troy, Wisconsin

October 28, 2009 (30 years old)

Operational loss, Training Squadron (VT) 27, Fixed Wing, USNA 11th Company

Pages in category "USNA 11th Company"

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