USNA 8th Company

From USNA Virtual Memorial Hall

The company is the most important unit in the Brigade of Midshipmen. Companies eat, sleep, study, drill, and compete together. Comprised of roughly 30-35 midshipmen from each of all four classes, they are led by 1/c Midshipmen. There are currently 30 companies in the Brigade, though this number has ranged from 8 in the late 1920s to 36 from the late 1940s to the late 1990s.

Some classes are in the same company for all four years; there is also "shotgunning" (all midshipmen in a class, usually following plebe year, are moved randomly to a different company) and "rifling" (again usually following plebe year, an entire group would move from one company to another). Even though many alumni were a part of more than one company during their four years at the Naval Academy, the list below is reflective of the company from which they graduated.

1928 Millican LB.jpg
William Millican
Class of 1928

Commander, US Navy

Brooklyn, New York

October 17, 1944 (41 years old)

Navy Cross, KIA, WWII, Pacific, USS Escolar (SS 294), Submarine, USNA 8th Company

1929 Wyatt LB.jpg
Mathias Wyatt
Class of 1929

Lieutenant (j.g.), US Navy

Easley, South Carolina

May 11, 1935 (27 years old)

Operational loss, Fighting Squadron (VF) 6B, Fixed Wing, USNA 8th Company

1929 Oliver LB.jpg
William Oliver
Class of 1929

Lieutenant (j.g.), US Navy

Dexter, Maine

July 23, 1936 (29 years old)

Operational loss, Scouting Plane Squadron (VS) 9S, Fixed Wing, USNA 8th Company

1930 Burgess LB.jpg
John Burgess
Class of 1930

Lieutenant (j.g.), US Navy

Minneapolis, Minnesota

February 2, 1935 (27 years old)

Operational loss, Fighting Squadron (VF) 3B, Fixed Wing, USNA 8th Company

1930 Armstrong LB.jpg
John Armstrong, Jr.
Class of 1930

Lieutenant Commander, US Navy

Flemingsburg, Kentucky

August 9, 1942 (34 years old)

KIA, WWII, Pacific, USS Jarvis (DD 393), Ship, USNA 8th Company

1930 Smith LB.jpg
Philip Smith, Jr.
Class of 1930

Lieutenant Commander, US Navy

New Haven, Connecticut

November 13, 1942 (34 years old)

KIA, WWII, Naval Battle of Guadalcanal, Pacific, USS Atlanta (CL 51), Fratricide, Ship, USNA 8th Company

1930 Wygant LB.jpg
Henry Wygant, Jr.
Class of 1930

Commander, US Navy

Harrisburg, Pennsylvania

January 3, 1944 (37 years old)

Operational loss, USS Turner (DD 648), Ship, USNA 8th Company

1931 Hain LB.jpg
Vernon Hain
Class of 1931

Lieutenant (j.g.), US Navy

Dayton, Ohio

November 23, 1937 (30 years old)

Operational loss, Bombing Plane Squadron (VB) 3B, Fixed Wing, USNA 8th Company

1931 Janz LB.jpg
Clifford Janz
Class of 1931

Lieutenant, US Navy

Lakewood, New Jersey

December 7, 1941 (31 years old)

KIA, WWII, Pacific, Pearl Harbor, USS Arizona (BB 39), Ship, USNA 8th Company

1931 Lytle LB.jpg
Eugene Lytle, Jr.
Class of 1931

Lieutenant Commander, US Navy

Kansas City, Missouri

February 26, 1943 (33 years old)

Operational loss, Scouting Squadron (VS) 10, Fixed Wing, USNA 8th Company

1932 Fairbanks LB.jpg
John Fairbanks, Jr.
Class of 1932

Lieutenant, US Navy

Quincy, Massachusetts

March 1, 1942 (33 years old)

KIA, WWII, Indian Ocean, USS Edsall (DD 219), Ship, USNA 8th Company

1932 Spiers LB.jpg
John Spiers
Class of 1932

Lieutenant Commander, US Navy

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

October 11, 1942 (31 years old)

Operational loss, Scouting Squadron (VS) 72, Fixed Wing, USNA 8th Company

1932 Major LB.jpg
Albert Major, Jr.
Class of 1932

Captain, US Navy

Clifton Forge, Virginia

May 17, 1955 (46 years old)

Operational loss, Fixed Wing, USNA 8th Company

1933 Peters LB.jpg
Thomas Peters
Class of 1933

Lieutenant, US Navy

Minatare, Nebraska

January 25, 1942 (32 years old)

Operational loss, USS S-26 (SS 131), Submarine, USNA 8th Company

1933 Clark LB.jpg
Albert Clark
Class of 1933

Lieutenant Commander, US Navy

Norway, Maine

February 29, 1944 (33 years old)

Silver Star, Legion of Merit, Bronze Star, KIA, WWII, Pacific, USS Trout (SS 202), Submarine, USNA 8th Company

1933 Gallagher LB.jpg
Robert Gallagher
Class of 1933

Lieutenant, US Navy

West Pittston, Pennsylvania

October 24, 1944 (34 years old)

KIA, POW, WWII, 16th Naval District, Arisan Maru, Pacific, Ship, USNA 8th Company

1934 McMahon LB.jpg
John McMahon
Class of 1934

Lieutenant, US Navy

Belfast, New York

July 30, 1942 (30 years old)

KIA, WWII, Pacific, USS Grunion (SS 216), Submarine, USNA 8th Company

1934 Donaldson LB.jpg
Robert Donaldson
Class of 1934

Lieutenant, US Navy

St. Petersburg, Florida

February 8, 1943 (30 years old)

Operational loss, Scouting Squadron (VS) 9, Fixed Wing, USNA 8th Company

1935 Bright LB.jpg
Graham Bright
Class of 1935

Lieutenant, US Navy

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

December 10, 1941 (29 years old)

KIA, WWII, Guam, Pacific, Ship Namesake, Ground, USNA 8th Company

1935 Gearing LB.jpg
Henry Gearing, III
Class of 1935

Lieutenant, US Navy

Washington, D.C.

November 13, 1942 (30 years old)

KIA, WWII, Naval Battle of Guadalcanal, Pacific, USS Juneau (CL 52), Ship, USNA 8th Company

1935 Clark LB.jpg
James Clark
Class of 1935

Commander, US Navy

Cedar Rapids, Iowa

June 14, 1944 (31 years old)

Silver Star, KIA, WWII, Pacific, USS Golet (SS 361), Submarine, USNA 8th Company

1935 Kimmel LB.jpg
Manning Kimmel
Class of 1935

Lieutenant Commander, US Navy

Washington, D.C.

July 26, 1944 (31 years old)

Silver Star, Bronze Star, KIA, WWII, Pacific, USS Robalo (SS 273), Submarine, USNA 8th Company

1936 Johnson LB.jpg
Webster Johnson
Class of 1936

Lieutenant (j.g.), US Navy

Annapolis, Maryland

December 19, 1940 (25 years old)

Operational loss, Fighting Squadron (VF) 72, Fixed Wing, USNA 8th Company

1936 Bayless LB.jpg
Walter Bayless
Class of 1936

Lieutenant Commander, US Navy

Knoxville, Tennessee

May 4, 1943 (28 years old)

Operational loss, Fighting Squadron (VF) 12, Fixed Wing, USNA 8th Company

1936 Perkins LB.jpg
Van Perkins
Class of 1936

Commander, US Navy

Greenwich, Connecticut

October 24, 1944 (30 years old)

Silver Star, Bronze Star, KIA, WWII, Battle of Leyte Gulf, Pacific, USS Birmingham (CL 62), Ship, USNA 8th Company

1937 Patty LB.jpg
John Patty, Jr.
Class of 1937

Lieutenant, US Navy

Shaw, Mississippi

March 1, 1942 (26 years old)

KIA, WWII, Battle of Sunda Strait, Pacific, USS Houston (CA 30), Ship, USNA 8th Company

1937 Ruge LB.jpg
Robert Ruge
Class of 1937

Major, US Marine Corps

Valparaiso, Indiana

October 24, 1944 (30 years old)

KIA, POW, WWII, 4th Marines, Arisan Maru, Pacific, Ship, USNA 8th Company

1937 Mehlig LB.jpg
John Mehlig
Class of 1937

Lieutenant Commander, US Navy

Miami Beach, Florida

February 21, 1945 (30 years old)

Bronze Star, KIA, WWII, Iwo Jima, Kamikaze, Pacific, USS Bismarck Sea (CVE 95), Ship, USNA 8th Company

1938 Zink LB.jpg
Oswald Zink
Class of 1938

Lieutenant (j.g.), US Navy

Ghent, New York

December 13, 1941 (27 years old)

Operational loss, WWII, Cruiser Scouting Squadron (VCS) 2, Fixed Wing, USNA 8th Company

1938 Berry LB.jpg
Howard Berry, Jr.
Class of 1938

Lieutenant, US Navy

At Large

September 28, 1943 (26 years old)

KIA, WWII, Pacific, USS Cisco (SS 290), Submarine, USNA 8th Company

1938 Sharer LB.jpg
Walter Sharer
Class of 1938

Lieutenant Commander, US Navy

Carney's Point, New Jersey

December 2, 1943 (27 years old)

Silver Star, KIA, WWII, Pacific, USS Capelin (SS 289), Submarine, USNA 8th Company

1938 Dalton LB.jpg
John Dalton
Class of 1938

Lieutenant Commander, US Navy

Overbrook, Pennsylvania

July 18, 1943 (28 years old)

KIA, WWII, Fighting Squadron (VF) 27, Pacific, Fixed Wing, USNA 8th Company

1938 Hamilton LB.jpg
Donald Hamilton, Jr.
Class of 1938

Lieutenant (j.g.), US Navy

Roswell, New Mexico

February 3, 1945 (28 years old)

KIA, POW, WWII, Pacific, USS Peary (DD 226), USNA 8th Company

1939 Gardner LB.jpg
Andrew Gardner
Class of 1939

Lieutenant, US Navy

Somerset, Kentucky

October 12, 1942 (27 years old)

Operational loss, Torpedo Squadron (VT) 3, Fixed Wing, USNA 8th Company

1939 Helm LB.jpg
Richard Helm
Class of 1939

Lieutenant Commander, US Navy

Harrisburg, Pennsylvania

April 3, 1943 (25 years old)

Silver Star, KIA, WWII, Pacific, USS Pickerel (SS 177), Submarine, USNA 8th Company

1939 Pope LB.jpg
David Pope
Class of 1939

Lieutenant, US Navy

Washington, D.C.

July 18, 1943 (25 years old)

Silver Star, KIA, WWII, Fighting Squadron (VF) 26, Pacific, Fixed Wing, USNA 8th Company

1939 Cook LB.jpg
Franklin Cook, Jr.
Class of 1939

Lieutenant Commander, US Navy

Pensacola, Florida

October 12, 1944 (26 years old)

Distinguished Flying Cross, KIA, WWII, Fighting Squadron (VF) 19, Formosa, Pacific, Fixed Wing, USNA 8th Company

1939 Hamm LB.jpg
Andrew Hamm
Class of 1939

Lieutenant Commander, US Navy

Bowdon, Georgia

July 28, 1945 (27 years old)

Navy Cross, Distinguished Flying Cross, KIA, WWII, Bombing Squadron (VB) 1, Japan, Pacific, USNA 8th Company

1939 Wallace, A LB.jpg
Alfred Wallace
Class of 1939

Lieutenant Commander, US Navy

Gulfport, Mississippi

July 30, 1945 (29 years old)

Silver Star, Bronze Star, KIA, WWII, Kamikaze, Okinawa, Pacific, USS Cassin Young (DD 793), Ship, USNA 8th Company

1940 Mallory LB.jpg
Fred Mallory
Class of 1940

Ensign, US Navy

Thomaston, Georgia

March 1, 1942 (23 years old)

KIA, WWII, Battle of Sunda Strait, Pacific, USS Houston (CA 30), Ship, USNA 8th Company

1940 Murray LB.jpg
Raymond Murray
Class of 1940

Lieutenant (j.g.), US Navy

Whitestone, New York

August 9, 1942 (25 years old)

KIA, WWII, Battle of Savo Island, Pacific, USS Vincennes (CA 44), Ship, USNA 8th Company

1940 Bried LB.jpg
Donald Bried
Class of 1940

Lieutenant, US Navy

Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

February 24, 1943 (26 years old)

Operational loss, Fixed Wing, USNA 8th Company

1940 Campbell LB.jpg
Richard Campbell
Class of 1940

Lieutenant, US Navy

Kansas City, Missouri

September 21, 1943 (28 years old)

Operational loss, Bombing Squadron (VB) 2, Fixed Wing, USNA 8th Company

1940 McGrath LB.jpg
Thomas McGrath
Class of 1940

Lieutenant Commander, US Navy

Tucson, Arizona

September 17, 1943 (25 years old)

Silver Star, Bronze Star, KIA, WWII, Pacific, USS Pompano (SS 181), Submarine, USNA 8th Company

1940 Wilson LB.jpg
David Wilson
Class of 1940

Lieutenant Commander, US Navy

Hampden Sydney, Virginia

March 26, 1944 (26 years old)

KIA, WWII, Pacific, USS Tullibee (SS 284), Submarine, USNA 8th Company

1940 Hall LB.jpg
Benjamin Hall
Class of 1940

Commander, US Navy

Macon, Georgia

November 5, 1944 (26 years old)

Operational loss, Fixed Wing, USNA 8th Company

1940 Beck LB.jpg
William Beck, Jr.
Class of 1940

Lieutenant Commander, US Navy

Buffalo, New York

March 19, 1945 (29 years old)

KIA, WWII, Fighting Squadron (VF) 6, Pacific, Fixed Wing, USNA 8th Company

1941 Glenn LB.jpg
Richard Glenn
Class of 1941

Lieutenant (j.g.), US Navy

Manhattan, Kansas

November 13, 1942 (24 years old)

KIA, WWII, Naval Battle of Guadalcanal, Pacific, USS Juneau (CL 52), Ship, USNA 8th Company

1941 Louney LB.jpg
Walter Louney
Class of 1941

Lieutenant, US Navy

Brighton, Massachusetts

September 28, 1943 (25 years old)

KIA, WWII, Pacific, USS Cisco (SS 290), Submarine, USNA 8th Company

1941 Simonds LB.jpg
Bruce Simonds
Class of 1941

Commander, US Navy

Seattle, Washington

October 16, 1952 (33 years old)

Distinguished Flying Cross, KIA, Korea, Attack Squadron (VA) 702, Fixed Wing, USNA 8th Company

1942 O'Sullivan LB.jpg
Cornelius O'Sullivan
Class of 1942

Lieutenant (j.g.), US Navy

Napa, California

March 15, 1943 (23 years old)

KIA, WWII, Pacific, USS Triton (SS 201), Submarine, USNA 8th Company

1942 Green LB.jpg
John Green
Class of 1942

Lieutenant (j.g.), US Navy

Kansas City, Missouri

September 11, 1943 (24 years old)

KIA, WWII, Mediterranean, Salerno, USS Rowan (DD 405), Ship, Family, USNA 8th Company

1942 Hunt LB.jpg
Joseph Hunt
Class of 1942

Lieutenant, US Navy

Los Angeles, California

February 2, 1945 (25 years old)

Operational loss, Fixed Wing, USNA 8th Company

1942 Lyttle LB.jpg
Marshall Lyttle, Jr.
Class of 1942

Lieutenant Commander, US Navy

Saginaw, Michigan

November 18, 1947 (26 years old)

Operational loss, Fighter Squadron (VF) 10A, Fixed Wing, USNA 8th Company

1942 Terry LB.jpg
Howard Terry
Class of 1942

Lieutenant Commander, US Navy

Batesville, Arkansas

March 18, 1953 (32 years old)

Operational loss, Composite Squadron (VC) 4, Fixed Wing, USNA 8th Company

1942 Yeager LB.jpg
William Yeager
Class of 1942

Lieutenant Commander, US Navy

Alexandria, Louisiana

March 10, 1954 (34 years old)

Operational loss, Fixed Wing, USNA 8th Company

1943 Slater LB.jpg
Charles Slater
Class of 1943

Ensign, US Navy

Northampton, Massachusetts

November 13, 1942 (21 years old)

KIA, WWII, Naval Battle of Guadalcanal, Pacific, USS Barton (DD 599), Ship, USNA 8th Company

1943 Jungklas LB.jpg
Robert Jungklas
Class of 1943

Lieutenant, US Navy

Saginaw, Michigan

August 18, 1950 (31 years old)

Operational loss, Fighter Squadron (VF) 74, Fixed Wing, USNA 8th Company

1943 Oxley LB.jpg
Irad Oxley
Class of 1943

Lieutenant Commander, US Navy

Woodbine, New Jersey

October 16, 1951 (30 years old)

Bronze Star, KIA, Korea, Fighter Squadron (VF) 172, Fixed Wing, USNA 8th Company

1944 Balestrieri LB.jpg
Salvatore Balestrieri
Class of 1944

Ensign, US Navy

Buffalo, New York

June 1, 1944 (24 years old)

KIA, WWII, Pacific, USS Herring (SS 233), Submarine, USNA 8th Company

1944 Kroth LB.jpg
Richard Kroth
Class of 1944

Lieutenant (j.g.), US Navy

Hamtramck, Michigan

October 25, 1944 (23 years old)

Silver Star, KIA, WWII, Pacific, USS Tang (SS 306), Submarine, USNA 8th Company

1944 Amburgey LB.jpg
Lawrence Amburgey
Class of 1944

Lieutenant (j.g.), US Navy

Athens, Tennessee

June 18, 1945 (24 years old)

Bronze Star, KIA, WWII, Pacific, USS Bonefish (SS 223), Submarine, USNA 8th Company

1944 McNiel LB.jpg
Paul McNiel, Jr.
Class of 1944

Lieutenant, US Navy

Baltimore, Maryland

March 3, 1947 (25 years old)

Operational loss, Fighting Squadron (VF) 5B, Fixed Wing, USNA 8th Company

1944 Longinotti LB.jpg
Malcolm Longinotti
Class of 1944

Lieutenant, US Navy

Durant, Mississippi

December 7, 1948 (26 years old)

Operational loss, Fixed Wing, USNA 8th Company

1945 Grove LB.jpg
Conrad Grove, Jr.
Class of 1945

2nd Lieutenant, US Marine Corps

Detroit, Michigan

March 17, 1945 (21 years old)

Operational loss, US Marine Corps, Ground, USNA 8th Company

1945 Day LB.jpg
Arthur Day
Class of 1945

2nd Lieutenant, US Marine Corps

Jamestown, Rhode Island

June 14, 1945 (23 years old)

KIA, WWII, 1st Battalion, 1st Marines, Okinawa, Pacific, US Marine Corps, Ground, USNA 8th Company

1945 Billings LB.jpg
Robert Billings
Class of 1945

Ensign, US Navy

Aurora, Illinois

July 30, 1945 (23 years old)

KIA, WWII, Pacific, USS Indianapolis (CA 35), Ship, USNA 8th Company

1945 Dawley LB.jpg
James Dawley, Jr.
Class of 1945

Lieutenant (j.g.), US Navy

Syracuse, New York

December 16, 1947 (25 years old)

Operational loss, Fixed Wing Passenger, USNA 8th Company

1945 Flanagan LB.jpg
Jack Flanagan
Class of 1945

Lieutenant (j.g.), US Navy

Florence, Alabama

May 26, 1948 (26 years old)

Operational loss, Attack Squadron (VA) 1A, Fixed Wing, USNA 8th Company

1945 Sawyer LB.jpg
Alfred Sawyer
Class of 1945

Lieutenant (j.g.), US Navy

Port Arthur, Texas

June 23, 1948 (25 years old)

Operational loss, Fixed Wing, USNA 8th Company

1945 Hodsdon LB.jpg
Richard Hodsdon
Class of 1945

Lieutenant (j.g.), US Navy

South Thomaston, Maine

August 25, 1949 (26 years old)

Operational loss, Attack Squadron (VA) 25, Fixed Wing, USNA 8th Company

1945 Horn LB.jpg
John Horn
Class of 1945

Lieutenant Commander, US Navy

Dadeville, Alabama

November 4, 1955 (34 years old)

Operational loss, Fighter Squadron (VF) 13, Fixed Wing, USNA 8th Company

1946 Spangle LB.jpg
William Spangle, II
Class of 1946

Lieutenant (j.g.), US Navy

Wllliamsport, Pennsylvania

September 19, 1950 (27 years old)

Operational loss, Air Transport Squadron (VR) 5, Fixed Wing, USNA 8th Company

1946 Mabee LB.jpg
Richard Mabee
Class of 1946

Lieutenant, US Navy

Des Moines, Iowa

November 30, 1951 (29 years old)

Operational loss, Composite Squadron (VC) 6, Fixed Wing, USNA 8th Company

1948 Searle LB.jpg
Robert Searle
Class of 1948

Ensign, US Navy

Santa Cruz, California

August 10, 1950 (25 years old)

Operational loss, Fixed Wing, USNA 8th Company

1948 McCord LB.jpg
Wayne McCord
Class of 1948

Lieutenant Commander, US Navy

Wiggins, Colorado

March 18, 1963 (36 years old)

Operational loss, Naval Air Test Center, Fixed Wing, USNA 8th Company

1948 Connolly LB.jpg
Daniel Connolly
Class of 1948

Lieutenant (j.g.), US Navy

Lawrence, Massachusetts

July 26, 1951 (27 years old)

Operational loss, Fighter Squadron (VF) 174, Fixed Wing, USNA 8th Company

★ He is not currently listed with his classmates in Memorial Hall.

1948 Connolly LB.jpg Daniel Connolly
Class of 1948
Lieutenant (j.g.), US Navy
Operational loss, Fighter Squadron (VF) 174, Fixed Wing, USNA 8th Company

★ He is not currently listed with his classmates in Memorial Hall.

1949 Lochner LB.jpg
George Lochner
Class of 1949

1st Lieutenant, US Air Force

Bayside, New York

May 29, 1951 (26 years old)

Operational loss, Fixed Wing, USNA 8th Company

1950 Peterson LB.jpg
Cedric Peterson, Jr.
Class of 1950

1st Lieutenant, US Air Force

La Crosse, Wisconsin

December 7, 1953 (27 years old)

Operational loss, 9th Fighter-Bomber Squadron, Fixed Wing, USNA 8th Company

1951 Cooper LB.jpg
John Cooper
Class of 1951

2nd Lieutenant, US Air Force

Robbinsdale, Minnesota

August 17, 1952 (23 years old)

Operational loss, 3530th Pilot Training Wing, Fixed Wing, USNA 8th Company

1953 Kloepping LB.jpg
Herbert Kloepping
Class of 1953

Lieutenant (j.g.), US Navy

Long Island City, New York

July 21, 1957 (28 years old)

Operational loss, Patrol Squadron (VP) 934, Fixed Wing, USNA 8th Company

1953 Tyler LB.jpg
George Tyler
Class of 1953

Colonel, US Air Force

Royal Oak, Michigan

October 24, 1968 (38 years old)

KIA, MIA, Vietnam, 390th Tactical Fighter Squadron, Fixed Wing, USNA 8th Company

1954 Hume LB.jpg
Kenneth Hume
Class of 1954

Lieutenant Commander, US Navy

Cincinnati, Ohio

March 29, 1965 (33 years old)

Distinguished Flying Cross, KIA, MIA, Vietnam, Fighter Squadron (VF) 154, Fixed Wing, USNA 8th Company

1957 Senior LB.jpg
Alfred Senior, Jr.
Class of 1957

Lieutenant (j.g.), US Navy

Ocean City, New Jersey

August 5, 1959 (25 years old)

Operational loss, Fixed Wing, USNA 8th Company

1957 Worrell, J LB.jpg
John Worrell, Jr.
Class of 1957

1st Lieutenant, US Air Force

Danville, Illinois

May 22, 1961 (26 years old)

Operational loss, Fixed Wing, USNA 8th Company

1957 Jensen LB.jpg
Redmond Jensen
Class of 1957

Captain, US Marine Corps

Oak Park, Illinois

May 2, 1965 (31 years old)

Operational loss, Fixed Wing, USNA 8th Company

1962 Carter LB.jpg
Thomas Carter
Class of 1962

Captain, US Marine Corps

Palos Verdes Estates, California

November 10, 1968 (27 years old)

KIA, Vietnam, 1st Battalion, 12th Marines, US Marine Corps, Ground, USNA 8th Company

1964 Collins LB.jpg
Michael Collins
Class of 1964

Lieutenant, US Navy

Concord, California

March 4, 1971 (28 years old)

Silver Star, KIA, Vietnam, Riverine, SEAL, USNA 8th Company

1966 Tappan LB.jpg
Benjamin Tappan, III
Class of 1966

Lieutenant Commander, US Navy

Gibson Island, Maryland

June 2, 1980 (36 years old)

Operational loss, Attack Squadron (VA) 147, Fixed Wing, HOFH24, USNA 8th Company

1968 Vial LB.jpg
Terry Vial
Class of 1968

Ensign, US Navy

Berwick, Pennsylvania

May 7, 1969 (22 years old)

Operational loss, Training Squadron (VT) 5, Fixed Wing, USNA 8th Company

1968 Dry LB.jpg
Melvin Dry
Class of 1968

Lieutenant, US Navy


June 6, 1972 (26 years old)

Bronze Star, KIA, Vietnam, SEAL, USNA 8th Company

1972 Hayes LB.jpg
Michael Hayes
Class of 1972

Lieutenant, US Navy

Aberdeen, South Dakota

April 26, 1978 (28 years old)

Operational loss, Patrol Squadron (VP) 23, Fixed Wing, USNA 8th Company

1975 Young LB.jpg
Patrick Young
Class of 1975

Ensign, US Navy

Independence, Missouri

March 1, 1977 (25 years old)

Operational loss, Fighter Squadron (VF) 101, Fixed Wing, USNA 8th Company

1977 Boyle LB.jpg
James Boyle
Class of 1977

Lieutenant Commander, US Navy

Chicago, Illinois

December 17, 1992 (39 years old)

Operational loss, Fighter Squadron (VF) 126, Fixed Wing, USNA 8th Company

1980 Moreau LB.jpg
Steven Moreau
Class of 1980

Lieutenant, US Navy

Coronado, California

August 7, 1987 (30 years old)

Operational loss, Attack Squadron (VA) 127, Fixed Wing, USNA 8th Company

1981 Wilson LB.jpg
Michael Wilson
Class of 1981

Lieutenant, US Navy

Medford Lakes, New Jersey

May 22, 1986 (27 years old)

Operational loss, Attack Squadron (VA) 65, Fixed Wing, HOFH24, USNA 8th Company

1981 Station LB.jpg
Paul Station
Class of 1981

Lieutenant, US Navy

Port Washington, Wisconsin

May 24, 1988 (29 years old)

Operational loss, SEAL, SEAL Team 5, Diving, USNA 8th Company

2001 Bourgeois LB.jpg
Brian Bourgeois
Class of 2001

Captain, US Navy

Katy, Texas

December 7, 2021 (43 years old)

Bronze Star, Operational loss, SEAL, Fast rope, USNA 8th Company

Pages in category "USNA 8th Company"

The following 135 pages are in this category, out of 135 total.